For the past week, P3 have been practising for the Tu B’Shevat assembly. We were each given at least 2 lines which we had to learn off by heart. After learning all of our lines we had several practices without the script to help us prepare for our performance.
The morning before the assembly Primary 3 had a dress rehearsal in the gym hall so as there would be no mistakes in the afternoon.
Primary 3 were all a little nervous as the moment had arrived to perform in front of the rest of the school and some of our parents and family.
We’re glad to report that the assembly went very well indeed with only a few minor hiccups. We received a huge round of applause from the audience, which made us feel as if all of our efforts were worthwhile. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to watch us perform on stage.
by Zac and Saffi