Tag Archives: treasurehunt

A Perfect Purim. By Zainab Ahmed

This week it was Purim and it was a blast! Everyone was dressed so lovely and even the teachers! I dressed up as an evil scientist with potions and everything. When the time came for the Purim Parade the teachers went up too!

We then gave Mishloach Manot bags, my one was for Aisha and they weren’t just bags they were white ones so we could decorate them. I received one from Sergei and he did a great job! We put chocolate, juice and crisps in them!

Then we went to do a challenge and that was to find as many words as possible in the word “Queen Esther”. If you did not want to you could have sat and done some relaxing colouring.

We then went to the Purim Quiz and it was super fun, my team won! So we got to choose a prize mine was a pink pencil with white dots.

After that we created our own Purim paper masks. We then went on a Treasure Hunt and our team was so good at it we even got the bonus questions!

Then we had some more relaxing time. We just sat down and ate some yummy Auzne Hamman and drank some juice, after a while we had to do a Purim Play in less than a minute. And guess what!? Gabby said we were the only group who did it right. Finally, in our last station we had to dance.

It was an amazing Purim!