Tag Archives: P.E

P.E by Izzy Scott

My blog is about our great P.E  lesson with Mrs Kyle. We warmed up with a game called ‘red, amber, green’. How you play is if someone shouts ‘green’ you run, if someone shouts ‘amber’ you run on the spot and if someone shouts ‘red’ you have to stop. It was a great game.

The best part of the P.E lesson was getting to play boys verses girl dodge ball. There were balls flying through the air for ages until there was only one girl left who was Hannah. So unfortunately the boys won, but it was a great P.E lesson.


Primary 5 Swimming

Swimming class!


Primary 5 have been attending a 6 week block of swimming lessons at Eastwood Swimming Pool. Some of us were more confident swimmers than others, but by the end of the 6 weeks, we were all a lot more confident in the pool. We learnt front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. We were able to race each other a lot and we were even allowed to swim with flippers. One of the things we all loved about our lessons, was the end of each session when we were allowed to jump into the pool. This week was our final week and that means that we all got to play on the floats. There were small floats and big floats and there was lots of jumping into the pool this week. It was such great fun! Our instructors were really helpful and they taught us a lot over our 6 sessions. We hope we get them again next year! We had a great time and we can’t wait to go swimming again soon.


By Cayla and Leah

