Tag Archives: activities

Purim! By Ilya Gladkikh

This Thursday it is Purim! Nobody can wait!

There will be so many fun things to do! Stations, competitions, activities and the part that I’m most excited about… Mishloach Manot (food gifts)!

There are a couple of tradition, like reading the Megilat Esther, the story of when Queen Esther saved the Jews lives. The other tradition is dressing up in fancy costumes. We dress up because we are supposed to look different. Also, Hashem is mentioned in the story but does not appear as he is in disguise, so we do the same.

There is always a competition to see who has the best costume. Fellow classmates go crazy with their costumes! Once I remember someone came as a rubix cube and his friend came as a sandwich.

As I’ve said before, my favourite thing about Purim is Michloach Manot. These are girft bags of food decorated and given to friends.