My Week. By Saba Rehman

When we were with Mrs Kyle, we did an ice cream problem solving exercise on the board.  There were different ice cream flavours and we had coordinate to make one ice cream flavour with the other.  What I learnt was to make the biggest number of combinations you put one ice cream flavour with all of them and then do it in order.


Our class made a lot of things on Thursday we made shadows.  We went outside and found a partner we were in the sun and we made a shadow and our partner had to draw around it. I did Zainab’s shadow.  Then Miss Orchant did our full class and I learnt that when you make a shadow the sun gets blocked.


Throughout the last two weeks we did a science experiment with light.  We got a torch and shone it through different objects and some were transparent (light can pass through), translucent (some light can pass through) and opaque (no light can pass through).  I learnt that if you shine a torch through the inside of a jumper only some light can go through it so it is transparent.

By Saba Rehman

My week. By Rachel McGhie

In class this week we said Loop Cards. Loop Cards are to test the place value knowledge you can do in your head, I found it a little bit challenging but it was fun.

On Thursday in our physical exercise with Miss Orchant we played a game called ‘Through the Gate’. Miss Orchant put about 36 bean bags in pairs on the floor and everyone got a basketball and had to dribble it through each pair. I got through 4 gates. But in that lesson I learnt how to dribble a ball.

On Tuesday, Mrs Kyle gave us a sheet about feminine and masculine animals and also in our French jotters we wrote 6 animals in 6 boxes and at the top what pet each of us had. This week we made a fruit smoothie with Miss Orchant and we used my friend Aisha’s instructions because she was the Star Writer.


My week. By Aisha Qayyum

Throughout this week what I said is Loop Cards. We all got cards and some people got 2 cards like me. On the loop card there was a number, if someone had said that number, and it was yours, you’d read out your number and the next one you were looking for. I found that slot very fun. In class the red group are reading a book called ‘Insiders’. Miss Orchant had written a few tricky words on the board, and we had to find the word in the book and work out what it meant by reading the sentences around it. We made a fruit smoothie. This week I was the STAR WRITER. I was surprised when I saw it on my jotter. We needed blueberries, raspberries, an apple, a cup of apple juice and a banana. After we had made it I was the first one to try it. Mmmm it was very yummy! Then we all tried it and we gave some to Mr Robson.


My week. By Zainab Ahmed

This week we read chapter two of our books. ‘Insiders’ is a lovely book, it’s about a huge soap star who is going to be killed off on the show to make ratings go higher. Her children are not interested in her though. They are interested in an eccentric old painter called Mr Emmet. We also wrote in our French books and I sat next to Talia she really helped me when I needed it. Then, we made a fruit smoothie, the recipe was, 1 apple, 1 cup of apple juice, 1 banana, 1 handful of raspberries and 1 handful of blueberries – Yummy! Then we played a game called through the gate in P.E, you have to dribble through the gates with basketballs.


My week. By Sergei De Rosa Cairns


This week’s Star Writer was Aisha. So we made a fruit smoothie using her instructions. In it there was 1 apple, 1 banana, raspberries, blueberries and a cup of apple juice. It was SO nice.


Yesterday we talked about light and shadow, I now know that:

‘Opaque’ means that NO light can pass through.

‘Translucent’ means that SOME light can pass through.

‘Transparent’ means that ALL light can pass through.


We have written about Diversity Day this week. I wrote about looking round the stalls. I learnt that the Mormons have bread and water every Sunday. The water represents the blood and the bread represents the flesh of Christ.


In PE we played ‘Through the Gate’ which is when you have to dribble a ball through 2 beans bags that are on the floor and see how many you can get through in a certain amount of time.



My week. By Leah Neville

Smoothie Making

Miss Orchant had told us to do our best on writing last week because this week we were going to make a smoothie, it was so much fun. The smoothie was delicious. It was made out of an apple, banana, apple juice, blueberries and raspberries maybe you should try it!


In maths we tried loop cards. I thought loop cards were going to be a very different thing. If someone said ‘I have 12 who has six tens and zero units’ and the next person would say I have sixty who has…’ and we made a line around the room.


In P.E I was a tackler, people where moving about and if I caught them they had to stop and I would move around. Then someone jumped out of nowhere – that was a fun day.


The blue group (which I am in) are reading ‘No Luck Holmes’. I am very much enjoying this book. We have so far read up to chapter two. I cannot wait to read the rest but sadly there are only three chapters leftL.

Miss Orchant and Mrs Kyle, thanks for such a great week.


My week. By Hannah Oakley


This week in Primary 6 we made a fruit smoothie! When we made the smoothie I was very excited because at the end we were allowed to drink it! Firstly, the ingredients were 1 banana, 1 apple, raspberries, blueberries and 1 cup of apple juice. When the smoothie was finished it tasted fantastic. I really enjoyed the smoothie and watching Miss Orchant making it.


In Primary 6 for our science we are doing Light and Shadow. In class we talked about some objects that are Opaque, Translucent and Transparent. We also spoke about the fact that the sun can only travel in a straight line!


With Mrs Kyle we started to do some French animals. First, we got a brand new pink French jotter and wrote our names on them. Then we opened them and started to draw some animals. I really enjoyed doing the French work and I also love animals.


In P.E we did “Through the Gate!. When playing you must bounce your basketball through the bean bags that are lying on the floor. Playing this game is very fun and enjoyable.


My week. By Daniel Sabba

This Monday we did maths. My group learnt about decimal points. I really got the hang of it. For the next lesson we had Mrs Rosenberg. She gave us our parts for a play. The play is called Yonah and the Whale. She gave me the main character, I was so happy and for my friends too. Oliver is G-d and Ben is the captain of the ship. Next we made smoothies, the ingredients were banana, blueberries, raspberries, apples and apple juice. It was so nice. But Lana thought it looked like sick. On Thursday, we were writing our e-portfolios. I wrote that I broke my finger at the weekend. That is what I did this week.

Daniel Sabba

Our first school trip


This week we started practicing for our Yonah play Daniel Sabba is Yonah, I am God, Ben is the captain and Sergei and Rachel are sailors. We are all practicing at home and we are learning at school with Mrs Rosenberg.  On Thursday we all went to Diversity Day and we all got split into groups I was in the red group, we went to the stalls firsts and learnt about all the religions. I also put on a Sari and Mrs Rasool took a picture. After that we did dancing and then we did relay races in sport.  In our writing lesson we wrote instructions for how to make a fruit smoothie and next week we will make a fruit smoothie following the Star Writers instructions.  This week we also finished our labels for a honey jar and we stuck them on the jar and we are making lids for them but most of us are not finished that yet.


Two weeks into Primary Six

Last week we discussed the categories for foods and they were : carbohydrates, fruit and veg, dairy, meat, fats and sugars. We also got a piece of paper with a food wheel on it so we labelled it and drew the foods that fit in each of the categories. We discussed that a vegetarians food wheel would be different from a meat eaters. On Tuesday, we made labels for honey jars and on my label I had a slogan that said ‘Super Yummy Runny Honey’.  On Thursday, we got our reading books and my group got one called Cal’s Log. The blurb said it was about two teenagers who have been marooned on a rock called a stack but somebody has been there before them and will the clues that they find lead them to safety. In P.E we got partners so I got paired with my friend and we did high and low throws with two balls at the same time.

Daniel D

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