Swimming and European Union quiz. By Lana Tiefenbrun

On Thursday this week we had our last day of swimming and it was so much fun! For about half an hour we did normal swimming and then for the rest of the time we were allowed to go in the shallow pool and play with the floats, balls and rubber rings. On Wednesday we did a quiz about the European Union. Everyone either got full marks or only one wrong so we all did really well. We had a quiz because we have now finished our European Union topic and I look forward to our next topic.




P.E by Izzy Scott

My blog is about our great P.E  lesson with Mrs Kyle. We warmed up with a game called ‘red, amber, green’. How you play is if someone shouts ‘green’ you run, if someone shouts ‘amber’ you run on the spot and if someone shouts ‘red’ you have to stop. It was a great game.

The best part of the P.E lesson was getting to play boys verses girl dodge ball. There were balls flying through the air for ages until there was only one girl left who was Hannah. So unfortunately the boys won, but it was a great P.E lesson.


European Union and Chanukah class party. By Oliver Tomkins

This week we made leaflets for different countries that we were given in our EU topic, my country was Spain. We have been doing a lot of research on our countries and we used this information in our leaflets. We were also allowed to use colours and stick pictures in that we had got from the internet. We decided that one of our Success Criteria should be that we can talk about our country and explain our leaflet, so Miss Orchant picked lollypop sticks out of a cup and the person that got chosen explained and read their leaflet out to the class.

Another thing we did this week was have a party because it is Chanukah! The day of the party we got to dress in party clothes instead of school uniform and each class voted on the type of  party they wanted to have. We voted on a pyjama party and during the pyjama party we got to watch a movie and eat popcorn and crisps. When it was time to have the party not all of us had popcorn but luckily Pippa’s mum brought in great big bags of it so we could all have some. The next thing we did was have a vote on what movie we were going to watch and we ended up watching Ice Age 2.



Chanukah Preparations. By Elyze Nadler

In art we have started making things for Chanukah. We have been drawing doughnuts, latkes, chanukiot, sevivons (dreidels) and other Chanukah related things. We have started to decorate our class in preparation for Chanukah and it has been ‘dreidel spinning fun’! In Kodesh and Ivrit we have started talking about the festival of Chanukah and with Mrs Rosenberg we are reading the story with a lot of detail now that we are primary 6. We also made mind maps showing the ‘things we know about Chanukah’ and we have done our own re-search. We have all had a very successful week and enjoyed this very much!

Happy Chanukah everyone!!


Homework. By Saba Rehman

which I find really easy, mental maths and Miss Orchant gave us an extra piece homework. We have been looking at the differences between facts and opinions in class, so at home, we had to find a newspaper article and underline all the facts and highlight all the opinions.  Most of the people in my class think that when Miss Orchant gives us extra homework it’s too much but I disagree, although like doing my homework!  Compared to primary 5 I think our homework is better! They seem to have a lot more than us!

Every Wednesday we get some European Union research to complete as homework which I enjoy and is really easy for me. I make sure that the day I get my homework I complete it.

We usually have spelling which is due every Friday, and our mental maths is completed daily.

This weeks homework was fun.

Fact and Opinion


Mitzvah Day! By Talia Lovat

This year for Mitzvah Day, Primary Six decided to help out in the lunch hall.

Each day we went down in groups of three or four.  We chose who went down in order of the register.

I went on the Tuesday, I enjoyed it very much because I got to collect bands, serve lunches and check the plates to see if the children had eaten enough!

I was doing this with, Ben, Daniel Dotan and Ilya.  Daniel and Ilya were doing the same as me, but Ben was mostly giving out stickers!

I enjoyed mitzvah day this year very much!



Swimming. By Ben Jackson

In swimming we have been doing front crawl, back crawl, breast stroke  and butterfly.

When we have been doing front crawl I thought that front crawl was my strongest swimming style because I understand it perfectly.

Back crawl is probably my weakest swimming style because I always think that I am always about to bump my head.

Breast stroke is quite hard when you start learning, but gets easier and easier because I am a good swimmer. I am ok at breast stroke.

Butterfly is supposed  to be really hard for most people but for me I am really good at it and I showed  all the swimming class how to do it.

It’s nice to be with my class in swimming lessons.

I hope you enjoyed my blog.



Fireworks Poem. By Abi Benshetrit

This week in the Primary Six writing lesson we did firework poems. Using our literary devices we made wonderful poems. Our literary devices were; Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Similes and Metaphors. As a class we decided that we wanted to show them at parents night so we did everything we could to try and up level them. Once we did that we typed them up on the computer and used our ICT skills to put little pictures of fireworks on them. Now they are up on the wall for parents night. All poems were great but Talia and Gideon’s really stood out and they are now going on the writing wall of fame. Every week Miss Orchant also chooses one piece of writing from the previous writing lesson and the star writer for our fireworks poems was Rachel McGhie. I peer assessed it and thought her poem was very good. We really enjoyed writing these poems.

 By Abi.


School Photographs. By Ilya Gladkikh

We are all exited that this week is photo week. We are all happy that there is going to be another photo in the Calderwood Lodge family album. All school pupils are going to have to brush their hair and teeth and come in, in their best uniform.

When I was little, I honestly thought that school photos were really a big waste of time. As the majority of people now have phones with cameras, this, therefore allows parents to take pictures at the click of a button any time, anywhere. I wondered what the point was in spending money on an expensive photographer? But now, that I’ve grown up a bit, I understand that those class photos contribute to the framed memories, of children happily smiling, that families hang on the walls of their cosy homes. Not only that but, it also makes me proud to be a part of the school’s history, despite it just being a snapshot.

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