Category Archives: Pupil Blog Entry

Friendship Soup. By Saba Rehman

On Wednesday morning we had Mr Robson because Miss Orchant was out at the EuroQuiz2016 with some other children from P6.  What we did with Mr Robson was we had to list down some qualities that a good friend would have but first we had to get in partners. I was partners with Aisha.  Later on we were going to make friendship soup, first when Mr Robson said we were going to friendship soup I thought we were going to make a real pot of soup with the list of words but I was wrong! I was so shocked!  We had to write beside the list of words how much of that you wanted in your soup. For example,  loyalty  =  3 cups,  we could do 3 jugs, gallons, pints depending on how much of the quality you thought a good friend should have. After that we had to copy it neatly on to another piece of paper and draw pictures and colour them in!  I had so much fun I wish we could do something like that again! I learnt that friends often have arguments over small issues they say sorry and get over them quickly.



Chocolate Coins. By Abi Benshetrit

On Wednesday Miss Orchant put chocolate coins on everyone’s desk and all around the classroom. We were all very suspicious and asked her why, but she said she didn’t know. When we did social studies I saw Pippa eat one and I was shocked because we weren’t told whether we could eat them or not! At this point I was so tempted to eat one and was curious to know the reason for them. Next thing I knew lots of people were eating them and taking them home because they saw Pippa do it. I was walking out the playground with my friend and we started to unwrap ours but then we didn’t eat them because I said I thought it was a test. We came to school the next day, and the coins were still on our desk! At this point, I was eager to find out what they were for. Later on in the day, there were very little coins left. Miss Orchant asked us ‘who ate a chocolate coin?’ it was a test! Miss Orchant’s accomplice was Pippa! She was meant to eat as many as she wanted and try to persuade us to do the same. Our lesson was about drugs and alcohol and to show us how easy it is to be influenced by your peers. I learnt not to be pressured into doing things that I don’t want to do. I thought it was a very interesting lesson and I really enjoyed it.


Victorian Classroom. By Ilya Gladkikh

Today after break our class got to experience what it was like to be in a Victorian classroom as our topic is the Victorians. Our teacher became a typical Victorian teacher for Maths and English.

Before break we had to put our water bottles at the side of the room. My friend and I thought that we would get to do something arty because we always do that before art. When we came back in from break the teacher had a measuring pole in her hand and then she started shouting that we needed to sit down in any seat and do it quickly. She banged the pole on a table and shouted: “From now on, you shall stand at the side of the table to answer a question. You must say: “Miss Orchant, the answer is ____ and then the answer!”

Everyone got a fright and quickly sat down in any seat.

On the table in front of us there was a slate and a thick piece of pencil lead on it. The first lesson was Maths and the maths questions were simple multiplication questions. When the teacher was asking the questions the pupil that was asked stood up and went over to the side of the desk and answered the question.

When it was my turn I went to the side of the table and said “The answer is 100… ” Then Miss Orchant shouted “DUNCE!” (because I forgot to add Miss Orchant at the beginning of my answer and I hesitated before I gave my answer) so I had to go to the front of the class and put on the DUNCE hat and stand facing the wall. Then because of that accident I missed the rest of the maths lesson!

The teacher shouted to grab a slate and lead and to write ‘Keepnotwhatisnotyours’ in a big long line with no spaces in between the words and also in old style letters. When another boy in the class had bad handwriting the teacher shouted “DUNCE” so he had to put on the DUNCE hat too.

When we finished writing the words out three times we needed to write ‘livepeacefullywhithallmen’ in the same way. That was the Victorian era classroom finished, it was scary!



Class Trip to Scotland Street. By Oliver Tomkins

On Wednesday we went on a class trip to Scotland Street School. When we arrived the first thing we did was get split up from the girls so the boys went right and then the girls went to the left. The next thing we had to do was go up the stairs and into an old fashioned changing room where we could hang up our coats and put on waistcoats and collars. After that a man told us about the safety procedures and then reminded us all that it was all acting. Finally we had to line up and the actress who was playing a Victorian teacher came out and told us in a very strict voice to be quiet and then told us where to sit and she said that we should always call her ma’am. The boys had to sit next to girls but some girls had to sit next to another girl because there was more girls than boys and I had to sit next to Pippa. The teacher then told us that we had to sit with our feet flat on the ground and our arms crossed under the table and to face the front.


The first lesson we did was Math. We had to recite our 2 to 5 times table like this: 2 nothings are nothing, 2 1s are 2, 2 2s are four etc and then she asked us individual multiplication questions. She drew a clock face on the black board and then wrote a number in the middle of it. We had to multiply the clock face number by the middle number. For example if 2 was in the middle of the clock and she pointed to 5, you would have to reply: 10 ma’am.


After that we did a quick test with Maths questions on a slate and most people only got 1 or 2 out of 5 because the questions were quite hard, 1 of the questions was: If I walk in a field and there is 10 humans , 1 horse and 1 dog how many legs were there in the field? I know you might think that is easy but the answer is actually 30 because you need to count your legs as well!


The next thing we did was handwriting and that was interesting because we got to use proper ink that we had to dip the pen in. What we had to do was write out the date in Victorian writing which is like script writing and it is all joined up then we had to write the alphabet using the Victorian style as well. Finally, we had to write out our name on the piece of paper in Victorian writing. When they had been handed in the teacher rang a bell and said that we were not in 1883 anymore, we were back in 2016!


She told us her name and then we discussed the similarities and differences between the Victorian class and a class in 2016. By the end of the day we had all learned something.


After the discussion the actress dressed up as a janitor of a school and were all of a sudden back in the Victorian times. The janitor did P.E with us and the P.E was very easy, all we had to do was touch our head then put our arms up in the air and then touch our shoulders and we had to repeat that several times. Once we had finished we got the chance to ask some questions.


We all really enjoyed the trip and I would definitely recommend going there!


Kabbalat Shabbat. By Leah Neville

Shabbat is an amazing experience because we light candles and sing songs. Ema (mum) lights the candles and then says a prayer and Aba (dad) says the bracha for the wine. I personally like being Ema because you get to eat the most Challah! Even if you are not on the Shabbat table, Kabbalat Shabbat is a nice way to end the school week. Shabbat is a lot of fun!


Burns Supper. By Hannah Oakley

Recently in Primary 6 we had a Burns Supper. Primary 6 and 7 hosted the Burns Supper together. The parents of the Primary 6 and 7 children were their too! Firstly Leah, Elyze, Zainab, Sergie and Ilya performed Robert Burn’s famous  poem ‘My love is like a Red Red Rose’. Secondly some primary 7’s read poems they had written and others recited famous poems that Robert Burns had written. Later, some of the primary 6 and 7 served juice and some food to the adults. Whilst they were eating, primary 6 performed the Scottish dance the Gay Gordons. It’s a very fun dance, you need to partner up, a boy and a girl and you go round in a circle. My dance partner was Abi! Finally, we got to go and see our family who were watching us. Then we went back up to our classes and I really enjoyed the afternoon.

Burns Supper. By Daniel Sabba

Today at school we had a Burns Supper. It was so fun because Leah, Ilya, Sergei Elyze and Zainab did a play for the poem ‘My Love is Like a Red Red Rose’ they were so good. Then we had to serve the mums and dads Haggis Neeps and Tatties, all the mums and dads loved it. After that primary 6 performed a Scottish dance, it was called the ‘Gay Gordons’. Oliver and I were so scared but when we did it everything was fine! Miss Orchant loved it very much. After that we went and said hi to our mums and dads and they were so impressed. Our class then went upstairs to our classroom and we were all so HAPPY!!!!!!

That is the end of our Burns Supper. I can’t wait for next year!


Gymnastics. By Pippa Ure

In P.E. we have been learning gymnastics.  Everyone in the class is at different levels and can do different things.

Daniel Sabba is the best, because he has been going to gymnastics for years and trains at least 4 times a week.

Mrs Kyle taught us the first lesson and most people in the class were very excited to be doing gymnastics.

So far we have had 3 lessons, and we have learned some new skills.

In our second lesson Mrs Kyle let us bring out the benches and work out routines in small groups.  I really enjoyed this task and in my group were, Hannah, Daniel Dotan, Elyze and Ilya.

We all made really good routines and Mrs Kyle was very pleased with our hard work and ability to work as a team.

In Miss Orchant’s lesson we focused on tumbling and some people were better than others as a few people in the class go to gymnastics classes at night.  We learned how to do forward and backward rolls. I was working with Abi and Lana and we worked well as a team.  The more advanced gymnasts helped their less confident classmates.

Overall, I am really enjoying these lessons and cant wait to learn more.




My Week. By Daniel Dotan

This week in school we learned a lot but I am going to tell you about two things I found particularly interesting.

First of all we have written 2 diary entries from the point of view of Oliver Twist. The first diary entry was from when Oliver got kicked out the orphanage and sold to a cruel family and then ran away. Part of our Success Criteria was to include feelings and emotions like ‘saddened’ ‘depressed’ ‘nervous’ and ‘shocked’. The second diary entry was about Oliver arriving in London and meeting the Artful Dodger who then took him to meet a man called Fagin.

Although we were to include feelings and emotions in our diary entry, our Success Criteria was to clearly describe a setting. To do this we were to use our five senses.

The other things I am going to tell you about is that we had a lesson about drugs. We learned that not all drugs are things sold illegally like cannabis, heroin and ecstasy. Caffeine is a drug so Coca Cola and coffee are drugs too!

Alcohol is a drug too but some drinks have more alcohol in them than others like Vodka and Raki. Both have more alcohol in them than wine.  Alcohol slows down your reactions and makes you forget things. Drugs can be extremely addictive and so can smoking. If you go into a pharmacy all the medicines are also drugs but these are good for you as long as they are not misused.

Also, since everybody is different, it is not guaranteed that everyone will have the same reaction to drugs. Drugs have different effects on different people, so if somebody survives after taking drugs it is not certain that somebody else will survive.