Friendship Soup. By Saba Rehman

On Wednesday morning we had Mr Robson because Miss Orchant was out at the EuroQuiz2016 with some other children from P6.  What we did with Mr Robson was we had to list down some qualities that a good friend would have but first we had to get in partners. I was partners with Aisha.  Later on we were going to make friendship soup, first when Mr Robson said we were going to friendship soup I thought we were going to make a real pot of soup with the list of words but I was wrong! I was so shocked!  We had to write beside the list of words how much of that you wanted in your soup. For example,  loyalty  =  3 cups,  we could do 3 jugs, gallons, pints depending on how much of the quality you thought a good friend should have. After that we had to copy it neatly on to another piece of paper and draw pictures and colour them in!  I had so much fun I wish we could do something like that again! I learnt that friends often have arguments over small issues they say sorry and get over them quickly.
