Gymnastics. By Pippa Ure

In P.E. we have been learning gymnastics.  Everyone in the class is at different levels and can do different things.

Daniel Sabba is the best, because he has been going to gymnastics for years and trains at least 4 times a week.

Mrs Kyle taught us the first lesson and most people in the class were very excited to be doing gymnastics.

So far we have had 3 lessons, and we have learned some new skills.

In our second lesson Mrs Kyle let us bring out the benches and work out routines in small groups.  I really enjoyed this task and in my group were, Hannah, Daniel Dotan, Elyze and Ilya.

We all made really good routines and Mrs Kyle was very pleased with our hard work and ability to work as a team.

In Miss Orchant’s lesson we focused on tumbling and some people were better than others as a few people in the class go to gymnastics classes at night.  We learned how to do forward and backward rolls. I was working with Abi and Lana and we worked well as a team.  The more advanced gymnasts helped their less confident classmates.

Overall, I am really enjoying these lessons and cant wait to learn more.

