Two weeks into Primary Six

Last week we discussed the categories for foods and they were : carbohydrates, fruit and veg, dairy, meat, fats and sugars. We also got a piece of paper with a food wheel on it so we labelled it and drew the foods that fit in each of the categories. We discussed that a vegetarians food wheel would be different from a meat eaters. On Tuesday, we made labels for honey jars and on my label I had a slogan that said ‘Super Yummy Runny Honey’.  On Thursday, we got our reading books and my group got one called Cal’s Log. The blurb said it was about two teenagers who have been marooned on a rock called a stack but somebody has been there before them and will the clues that they find lead them to safety. In P.E we got partners so I got paired with my friend and we did high and low throws with two balls at the same time.

Daniel D