Tag Archives: Weekly Blog

New this week!

This week Primary 6 have been so busy! We started our Bikeability lessons where we learned how to oil our bikes and pump up our tyres. We learned how to change gears and fix our chain. We built up our confidence through games like high fiving each other and other control games. It was really good fun!!

We started to learn Mandarin this week and can now say hello, thank-you and goodbye. We also learned about the population, landscape, capital city, food, environment and culture of China. We are looking  forward to learning more next week!

We had our first swimming lesson today, it was very fun! We practised all the different strokes and diving.

“I swam front crawl and learned how to glide for the first time!” Gabby

“I managed to swim front crawl and back crawl, even with my sore leg!” Lyla

We all managed to swim in the big pool and can’t wait until next week!