Tag Archives: transitions

Mearns Castle Transitions

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Some pupils from Calderwood Lodge have recently gone to Mearns Castle for extended transitions.

At the extended transitions you get to meet some staff who work at the school. This is a great opportunity to be shown all around the school and told all about what the school is like and what we should expect when we go there.

A little while after the extended transitions, two pupils from Mearns Castle, who had been former pupils at Calderwood Lodge, visited our class. Their  names were Ryan and Olivia. We remember them well from when they came to Calderwood. They are now Mearns Castle pupils and came to tell us when the whole class all about the school and what to expect from transitions. They told us about the clubs we can attend, the classes, the teachers, the school uniform and what subjects you will take. They also talked about which house you will be in and who your year head will be.

This was a great chance to ask questions and hopefully ease any nerves we had.

Not long now!


By Josh and Amy