Tag Archives: Shabbat

Shabbat U.K.

On Friday 23rd October 2015 it was Shabbat UK.

Shabbat UK is part of the Shabbos project. The purpose of the Shabbos project is a project that is made to call on all Jewish people and encourage them to celebrate Shabbat together. This project is celebrated all around the world and Shabbat UK brings lots of people together in so many different ways.

Our school celebrated Shabbat UK at our Kabbalat Shabbat Assembly on Friday. We started off with our normal Kabbalat Shabbat routine, with a few surprise changes in between. We also got to listen to a video message from the Chief Rabbi.

In this Kabbalat Shabbat we learned that it is important for all communities to work together in unity.

By Iman Rasool