Tag Archives: Sequence

P.E. Professionals

On 8th of September 2015 the Primary Seven class and the Primary Two boys and girls, teamed up for their P.E. lesson. Mrs Santi and Miss Abercrombie passed the baton onto the Primary 7 pupils to use all the skills that they have been learning over the years and pass those onto the Primary 2 class. The Primary 2 pupils were split into groups and were able to take part in the 6 different ‘Skills Stations’ set up and run by the Primary 7 pupils.


Station 1:       Movement and Dance;

Station 2:       Balance and Concentration;

Station 3 + 4: Gymnastics;

Station 5:       Hand eye coordination and accuracy;

Station 6:       Balance and Agility.


It was a great afternoon and the Primary 2 class learned a lot from us all (we hope). We were also able to develop our own skills and learn skills such as patience, learning to be clear with instructions and learning to pace our instructions depending on how quickly each child was able to understand what they were to do and then carry each skill out successfully. 

Rachel Jacobs

Priary Seven














