Tag Archives: Religious and Moral Education

Yom Hasoah



It was recently Yom Hashoah and in order to commemorate this day, there was an event held at Giffnock Shul,  which I as fortunate enough to attend. This day marks a day of remembrance for the people that died in the Holocaust.  2 school pupils lead the service and we had a Jewish male choir preforming. As the names of all those family members who had been killed were shown on the screen, a man played the violin. There were lots of clips from various Holocaust survivors and we had speeches from special guests, including Ben Helfgot, who is a very well known Holocaust survivor.

6 candles were lit for the 6 million Jews who had died in the War.  Pupils from the school or the local area came up to light 5 candles and then the sixth candle was lit by Ben Helfgot, our special guest.

The  theme of the evening was “from Poland to Windmere”, and his speech told us all about his story and his journey and how he feels about the Holocaust today.

Primary 7 had also been working on a project and had picked a person from the ‘Boys’ to commemorate and make a hand stitched tea towel that were all displayed in the Shul hall.

It was a special day to be a part of.

By Susie Tenby


Yom Hashoah

The Yom Hashoah Project


The Primary 7 class has been working on a project led by Mrs Hyman (Freddie’s mum!). We were all given the task of going away and creating our own ICT collages based on a person who lived through World War II.

We have been learning about Ben Helfgott and ‘the boys’. Many of the people that we have chosen to work on were children in the Holocaust and separated from their families. Many now live in the U.K and we have looked at and learned a little about what their lives are like now.

With the people we have chosen, we have selected pictures and words that link to them and help people to learn more about them.

When we had all finished our collages, we had them printed on to fabrics which are now going to be sewn onto a cloth which we will keep, as a pillow or a tea towel.

Our collages will also be shown at an event for people to see them. Ben Helfgott is also going to be coming to the Yom Hashoah event at Giffnock Synagogue to speak. He was actually in the Olympics as a weightlifter and even won a gold medal!

In these lessons with Mrs Hyman, we have put colour on to the cloth to brighten it up, we have also been stitching the fabric into the cloth and some of us were just learning how the stich.

The people we have chosen, we have picked because there was something about them or their story that stood out to us and inspired us.

By Susie Tenby

Candle Lighting at Shul




On Tuesday, P5, P6, P7 went to Giffnock Shul. We went to Shul this week because we are celebrating Chanukah.  When we arrived, each of the boys had to wear Kippot to respect the Jewish Religion. We read the afternoon prayers with Rabbi Eli and afterwards we lighted the candles on the Menorah.

When we finished prayers, we had sugary doughnuts, chocolate doughnuts and orange juice and also the Rabbi gave us gifts which were dreidels, to help us to celebrate Chanukah.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself and found the Jewish traditions very interesting.

By Hassan Hashmi
