Tag Archives: Mearns Castle

Football Tournament…the sequel

East Renfrewshire Football Festival


Coming up shortly, is the East Renfrewshire Football Festival. Sadly, last time, Calderwood were not very successful. However, we are adamant to try our hardest and prove ourselves at the tournament as worthy opponents.

Personally, I am extremely excited, as I love playing football whenever and wherever possible and I am definitely sure my teammates are equally as eager to play and perform to their best level.

At the tournament, we will have some Primary Fives, Primary Sixes and Primary Sevens playing in our team.

In Calderwood, we are counting on our best players to help others to become better at football. It is a great opportunity for people, as some schools may have pupils who aren’t the most avid players. This means that these pupils can experience something new and it may turn out they enjoy it more than they thought they would.

There may be some tough competition, but I feel that Calderwood are ready for the games. Especially for a school that doesn’t have a proper team and does not participate in training. I believe that Calderwood can improve and develop our skills and efforts from last time.

Calderwood Lodge definitely have the ability to win, which is very important. Football comes with a great deal of sportsmanship and teamwork which are two aspects of our team which we possess.

Wish us luck!

By Freddie Hyman