Tag Archives: kindle

Class Kindles

kindle_top  Kindle-DX-graphite-Angle-Hand

In Primary 7, we have been introduced to kindles, that we are reading our class novel on. We have all been taught how to use them properly and get the most out of them.

Our class think that the kindles are a new great way to read because some people prefer reading on a kindle because it is easier to find out what a word means when you aren’t familiar with it. All you need to do is select it, and it tells you what that means. We can also change the font size and the way the writing sits. This allows us to enjoy the reading a bit more.

Some of my classmates have told me a few of their opinions on the kindles,

“I think the kindles are a more fun way of reading.”
Lilah Cowan

“The kindles are much lighter than a book to carry around”.
Amy Quigley

I also think that the kindles are great because when we use them, we have the responsibility of looking after them and this responsibility helps prepare us for our future.

By Susie Tenby