Tag Archives: hockey

Hockey Tournament

On Thursday 14th November, schools from all over East Renfrewshire went to a hockey tournament to compete with each other. At first, each team had 4 points each. Many people participated in the event.

Most of the teams were older and had more experience than our Calderwood Team had. We hadn’t been a team for as long as some of the other schools, so we had not had as much time to practise. Pupils from primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 made up our team. We did try our hardest, but we weren’t good enough for them this time round.

What I found fascinating, was that there were two people in one of the teams that we played against that were actually Polish!

In the end, we finished and had not scored any points. However, Miss Abercrombie and Miss Munro were right, it wasn’t about winning or losing, it was about trying our hardest in the time we had and also about having fun. That’s what makes Calderwood Lodge so special, always trying our hardest in everything, no matter what.

Anna Karpov



