Tag Archives: high school

Transition Sports Day – Mearns Castle


Today, at Mearns Castle, we attended a Transition Sports Day. We took part in a variety of sports such as Rugby, Athletics and Bocce.

At the beginning, we were split into our houses: Ramsay, Wallace, Caledonia, Balmoral, Gleneagles and Sutherland. Then we went onto the pitch across the road to start with the activities.

We each took turns in each sport with other pupils from lots of different schools, this gave us a chance to make new friends and learn new skills.

To play bocce you had to split into two teams and one person rolls the white ball and then the other players have to try and get the coloured balls as close to the white ball as possible. Bocce is a Paralympic sport and we even had a champion Bocce player teaching us how to play.

We also played different types of athletics, this included relay races and javelin exercises. All coached by a coach from Giffnock North Athletics Club and S3 pupils.

When playing rugby we played three different games. The first one was rugby rounders, then we played five aside touch rugby and then regular touch rugby.

Today allowed us to try new sports that we will continue to learn when we are in high school next year. The coaches also reminded us about all the different opportunities for clubs we could join next year.

The idea behind today was to give us the opportunity to meet pupils from other schools that would be joining us next year. It gave us the chance to meet new friends so that when we go up to s1 we have people to talk to and lots more familiar faces. This makes the first few days starting a new school a little more exciting.

We’re looking forward to the Transition days next!

The Primary 7 Class

Mearns Castle Transitions

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Some pupils from Calderwood Lodge have recently gone to Mearns Castle for extended transitions.

At the extended transitions you get to meet some staff who work at the school. This is a great opportunity to be shown all around the school and told all about what the school is like and what we should expect when we go there.

A little while after the extended transitions, two pupils from Mearns Castle, who had been former pupils at Calderwood Lodge, visited our class. Their  names were Ryan and Olivia. We remember them well from when they came to Calderwood. They are now Mearns Castle pupils and came to tell us when the whole class all about the school and what to expect from transitions. They told us about the clubs we can attend, the classes, the teachers, the school uniform and what subjects you will take. They also talked about which house you will be in and who your year head will be.

This was a great chance to ask questions and hopefully ease any nerves we had.

Not long now!


By Josh and Amy