Tag Archives: fitness

The Muddy Mile

The Muddy Mile

muddy mile

On Sunday the 20th of March, I travelled with my family to Craufurdland Castle, to take part in the Muddy Mile.

Although I was 15 minutes late, I was still able to run. My little sister Albie, who is in Primary 2, ran with me. The others were already ahead of us because they had started earlier than we had.

At the start of the mile, my sister and I kept saying that we didn’t think it was really that muddy. However, we then came to a big patch of mud and it was really quite deep! Not as deep as some of the ones we were about to come up against. My little sister’s shoe even came off in one of the puddles, so I ended up holding her shoes the whole way around.

We came to a swamp where they had to have somebody there  to help you across because it was so deep. It wentall the way up to my neck.

When we crossed the swamp we went through very thick mud and I got stuck in the middle of it, but thankfully Albie helped me out.

I was very proud of myself and also I had carried my sister most of the way so I was extremely tired. I ran to the finish line and was given a treat bag and met up with the rest of the  Calderwood Lodge Team. We got a picture taken with Mrs Carlton, which I will put up here once we get a copy of it.

Well done to all the Calderwood Lodge Muddy Mile runner. We will all be wearing our t-shirts proudly!

By Lyla Gaizely-Gardiner

Hockey Tournament

On Thursday 14th November, schools from all over East Renfrewshire went to a hockey tournament to compete with each other. At first, each team had 4 points each. Many people participated in the event.

Most of the teams were older and had more experience than our Calderwood Team had. We hadn’t been a team for as long as some of the other schools, so we had not had as much time to practise. Pupils from primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 made up our team. We did try our hardest, but we weren’t good enough for them this time round.

What I found fascinating, was that there were two people in one of the teams that we played against that were actually Polish!

In the end, we finished and had not scored any points. However, Miss Abercrombie and Miss Munro were right, it wasn’t about winning or losing, it was about trying our hardest in the time we had and also about having fun. That’s what makes Calderwood Lodge so special, always trying our hardest in everything, no matter what.

Anna Karpov






This year, the Primary 7 class have been first to start their swimming lessons. We go to Eastwood Swimming Pool every Thursday for a 6 week block.
We all started off by getting changed for swimming and getting everything ready and putting a pound in the locker for all of our stuff. Once everybody is ready, we all start head for the pool. For our first lesson, we were all very excited to jump in the pool. To begin, we had to do the front crawl in pairs from the shallow end to the deep end.
In other lessons, we have been working on our back stroke with a float. The teacher is always there to give us help along the way.
At the end of each lesson, we all get to dive or jump into the pool and choose our favourite stroke to swim a length.
We asked a few people about their thoughts on the swimming:

Gabby “I enjoy having swimming lessons because when we started in Primary 7, I wasn’t able to do the front crawl and now I am getting much better”.

Freddie “It’s fun and healthy at the same time”.

Amy “Our teachers are really helpful, they are always giving us tips on how we can improve”.



