Tag Archives: display

Primary 7 Art Inspiration


Recently, the pupils in our class each presented a solo talk about a famous person who truly inspired us. It was great to hear the varied individuals that we each chose and why we found them inspirational in the first place.

Afterwards, we thought it would be a good idea if we made collages about our inspirational person, so that the rest of the school could see our work. We were to collect images, words, newspaper and magazine cut-outs all about our inspirational person. Then when we had all the cut-outs that we needed, we stuck them on to coloured board in the shape of something to do with our inspirational person. Later we put PVA glue on them so that they hardened permanently.

Finally, our teacher, Mrs Santi, put them on the wall proudly for the rest of the school to see and as a daily reminder to each of us about those people in the world or the past that inspire us to become better visions of ourselves.

By Josh Zeitlin

Problem Solving in Primary 7

Primary Seven’s Problem Solving


In Primary Seven we decided that we would like to update our Numeracy and Mathematics wall with a brand new Problem Solving display.

We didn’t take this challenge on lightly. We each came up with some challenging problems for our classmates to solve. Some questions involved acting out the situation and others involved some difficult calculations. They all involved a lot of brainpower. We made sure that we were using our problem solving skills to complete these questions.

We split into our maths groups: Red, Blue and Green, and answered the question that someone in our group had come up with. We also made some very eye-catching posters and symbols of our learning.

This activity helped us show our understanding of all the problem solving skills that we had learned throughout our time in Primary 7. Now all of our posters, questions and answers are up on the primary seven wall, we even colour coded them to make it easy to match them up! We are all proud of what we have done and we can’t wait to continue to improve our knowledge of problem solving. We think it might get even more challenging in High School.

I asked Iman what she thought about the Problem Solving activity:

“I think that it was a fun activity and I enjoyed completing other people’s questions to see what they came up with.”

By Lilah Cowen.

Robert Burns


Recently in Primary Seven, we have been learning about Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns.

Burns was a man with ideas and took his ideas and made poems and songs. We have been listening to some of his poems and analysing them, finding out what they mean, and what they are based on.

Burns’ birthday is not long away, the 25th January. We have decided to create a Robert Burns wall, allowing our school to see what Primary Seven have been learning about and who Robert Burns was.

For homework, Mrs Santi, has given each pupil in class the choice to find out what Burns’ poems mean and re-writing his poems. Robert Burns was voted as the Greatest Scot by the Scottish public and is widely respected worldwide. He wrote his poems in different ways. Some he wrote in Scots and some in Standard English. Although he is popular and respected by people today, he was never treated this way when he was actually alive.

He lived in poverty and was very poor, however, this did not stop him from resuming poetry writing. He taught us resilience and showed his personal feelings. He is a very important person to the Scottish public and people in other countries across the world and is an iconic figure in music history. He influenced people and music in many, many ways.

Freddie Hyman