Tag Archives: Curricular Event

WWII Curricular Event










On Friday, Primary 7 turned our classroom into a World War Two registration room and invited our parents and grandparents to come and enjoy our WWII event. Our class held a World War II event. It was a chance to show our friends and family what we had been learning over the past few months. We had more than 20 visitors!

We set up a number of stations:
First of all, every visitor had to register for their identification card. We have learned that at any point during the war, if you were asked to display or show your ID badge, it was crucial that you had it on you.

Then, everybody had to register for their Rationing books and a specific store. At the store, they were able to learn about all the food that had to be rationed, and why. Everyone during the war had to register to a store to stop them using their rationing books in lots of different stores.

Everyone had the chance to make their own gas masks as well, which would be necessary during the Blitz. These were quite magnificent

Outside the classroom, we had a live radio broadcast by Amy Quigley and Lyla Gaizlie-Gardiner that followed the Blitz. And we also had information about the use of Propaganda posters and adverts and we got to show off our own.

On the whiteboard, we had a film showing each of us reading out some of our WWII evacuee letters and radio transcripts that we did in writing.

When our World War II event came to a close we sang songs that were very popular in World War II.

It was a great morning and all our parents and grandparents had a great time.