Category Archives: Class Trip

Our final day in Amsterdam









Day four arrived and flew by in a flash. We were very lucky that the sunshine really began to shine for us today and we got to enjoy our final morning and our visits to Zaanse Schans and Volendam with the sun blazing. The only downfall to this was the lack of wind! This made for some very still windmills.

Once we had checked out of the hotel, we were taken by our very friendly and knowledgable bus driver to Zaanse Schans, where we were able to wander around all the shops and the windmills and we even got to go on a mini tour of one of the windmills and go right to the top. We were told all about the functionality of the windmills and how they fill their time on days like today, when there is no wind! We even met a man selling paintings that spoke 18 languages! He was able to converse effortlessly with all of us in English, then Anna in Russian, Josh and Freddie in Hebrew and even a little Mandarin was exchanged.

After we all stocked up on some more souvenirs, we made our way to a little fishing village called Volendam. This place had very unique houses and our driver told us all about the competitions the locals have to keep the best gardens and the cleanest windows. The whole village was filled with beautiful shops, cafes and even a little stretch of a beach, where we all had a great time relaxing. We were taken to a cheese factory where we got a tour of the factory and got to sample lots of the cheeses. Lots of cheese was purchased for gifts and then we made our way back into the sunshine for some final fun.

Before we knew it, it was time to go to the airport. With a great flight, and no delays, we were back in Glasgow by dinner time where we were all met by all of the enthusiastic parents and siblings that must have been missing us a lot!

It has been such a fantastic and memorable trip with a really superb group of pupils (and even teachers). This will certainly be a week that we will remember forever.

We hope you enjoy the photos!

Day Three In Amsterdam

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Our third day in Amsterdam began with a bus and tram ride to the Portuguese Synagogue. This is the oldest Synagogue in Europe.  We were given audio guides to listen to information, telling us all about the history of the Synagogue and about the interior. Mrs Yedd then took us on an additional tour of the outskirts, which included the Treasure Chambers, The Winter Synagogue and the Women’s Gallery.  Then we went to The Children’s Museum and Ashkenazi Shul. There were lots of memories of the Holocaust here and it was really interesting.

“I found it really interesting and it was very detailed.”  Hassan

“It was very interesting to see the oldest surviving Synagogue in Europe.” Rachel

Once we left the Synagogue, we went to the Jewish Heritage Museum. This museum had a huge section just for children. Four floors of great activities which allowed us to do arts and crafts, play various instruments such as the shofar, practise our Ivrit writing (which we know Shosh will be delighted to hear), and learn all about kosher kitchens and cooking. We also spent a lot of time in the adult section of the museum which took you through Jewish history and allowed us to see a lot of Jewish artefacts and learn about different people through time that have been Jewish. The museum was massive and we managed to see all of it. It was a really great afternoon.

We were pretty hungry after our busy start to the day, so we wandered along to a nearby park where we had our lunch and enjoyed playing on the swings and having ridiculous gymnastic and hopping competitions, which was very. The teachers were just delighted nobody had a hopping related injury!

To complete our day, we visited the Holocaust Memorial Centre. We visited an exhibition called ‘The demise of Abraham Reiss’ by Jeroene Krabbe. This artist painted nine pieces of art that told the story of his grandfather, who died in the war. These paintings were incredible and told a really important story. We also learned about the 600 children that managed to escape deportation with the help of the Jewish Resistance.

Our whole day has been so informative and has helped us to build a better picture of all the things we have been learning about in school. It has been quite a moving experience today, visiting all of these special Jewish places together as a class.

With one more day left, we’re excited to see what tomorrow brings.

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Day Two In Amsterdam


Today was our second day in Amsterdam, and what a great day it has been. It was extremely busy and it is safe to say we are all very tired! We started our day with a big breakfast and made our way to one of Holland’s famous canal boat trips. The canal tour took us across the water, explaining about the history of Amsterdam and allowed us to see the capital’s great buildings and architecture as well as many famous spots around the city. We all managed to take some great photos.

The weather thankfully picked up from yesterday’s grey clouds and rain. We were lucky enough to even get a few hours of sunshine. It was at this point that we had a lovely walk through some of the tourist shops, where we all managed to buy a few souvenirs or two! Mrs Yedd even managed to buy herself a few badges for her collection, from her favourite shop! As we continued with our walk, we made our way to Dam Square, where we all enjoyed our lunch in the sunshine.

Recently, as part of our class Enterprise Topic, we all worked together in teams to create businesses where we sold a variety of products to the pupils of the school. We also sold badges, water bottles and pencil cases provided by the school. We had this great big Enterprise Day and raised £235. This money was to contribute to our Amsterdam trip. We decided, as a class, that a really wonderful way of spending this money would be to all visit Amsterdam’s Madame Tussauds Museum together. What a great decision! Everyone really enjoyed getting lots of pictures taken and posing with the wax statues of famous celebrities. With Mrs Santi’s selfie stick, we got a lot of very funny memories. We all thoroughly enjoyed doing this extra activity which had not been planned prior to the visit. It was a nice bonus that made all our hard work seem worthwhile. Even Mr Robson and Mrs Santi got some very funny photos too!

To complete our busy day, we walked round to the Anne Frank house, where we expanded our knowledge about World War Two and got a real insight into what we have been learning about throughout Primary 7. We were given a lesson about Anne’s life and how her life changed as she went into hiding before we entered the house. We were also told about the layout of the building which included the offices of Otto Frank’s business. We all found this time very emotional and fascinating as we have been learning a lot about Anne Frank’s life in school and it meant a lot to visit the actual house together as a class. This is a memory we won’t forget.

“I found the house very different in real life compared to the movies we have watched and some of the things we have read” – Rachel.

“It was a very overwhelming experience.” – Maddie.

“It was an exciting and interesting visit to the house.” – Hassan.

A big dinner finished off our day and it really has been a terrific day. We’re looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.

By Freddie, Josh, Iman and Rachel

Our First Day in Amsterdam


That’s us in Amsterdam. We started our day with a slightly delayed KLM flight and arrived in Amsterdam in the afternoon. Once we had landed, we were met by a lady who had organised a bus to take us to our hotel. We dropped our bags off at the hotel and went to the dining area to have some lunch. We also got split into three different groups led by Mr Robson, Mrs Santi and Mrs Yedd.
Once we had finished, we hopped onto a bus that took us to a City Sightseeing Tour Bus that would take us around eleven parts of Amsterdam, telling us all about the different areas and its history. On this trip we saw famous landmarks such as, The Secret Annex, famous canals, the only windmill left in the city centre and the Jewish History Museum. Some of us were already a little tired and had a small snooze on the bus!
At the end of the tour, we ventured back to our hotel, where we were given the keys to our hotel rooms and told who we would be sharing with. With a little time to settle in to our rooms, we got to relax a little and unpack. The teachers then came in to check on us to see how things were going, before dinner.
At dinner, we got the chance to sit with our friends and talk about our rooms and favourite parts of the day. We can’t wait for the next few days and all the adventures to come!
By Maddie, Susie and Lilah


Mearns Castle Transitions

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Some pupils from Calderwood Lodge have recently gone to Mearns Castle for extended transitions.

At the extended transitions you get to meet some staff who work at the school. This is a great opportunity to be shown all around the school and told all about what the school is like and what we should expect when we go there.

A little while after the extended transitions, two pupils from Mearns Castle, who had been former pupils at Calderwood Lodge, visited our class. Their  names were Ryan and Olivia. We remember them well from when they came to Calderwood. They are now Mearns Castle pupils and came to tell us when the whole class all about the school and what to expect from transitions. They told us about the clubs we can attend, the classes, the teachers, the school uniform and what subjects you will take. They also talked about which house you will be in and who your year head will be.

This was a great chance to ask questions and hopefully ease any nerves we had.

Not long now!


By Josh and Amy

Yom Hashoah

The Yom Hashoah Project


The Primary 7 class has been working on a project led by Mrs Hyman (Freddie’s mum!). We were all given the task of going away and creating our own ICT collages based on a person who lived through World War II.

We have been learning about Ben Helfgott and ‘the boys’. Many of the people that we have chosen to work on were children in the Holocaust and separated from their families. Many now live in the U.K and we have looked at and learned a little about what their lives are like now.

With the people we have chosen, we have selected pictures and words that link to them and help people to learn more about them.

When we had all finished our collages, we had them printed on to fabrics which are now going to be sewn onto a cloth which we will keep, as a pillow or a tea towel.

Our collages will also be shown at an event for people to see them. Ben Helfgott is also going to be coming to the Yom Hashoah event at Giffnock Synagogue to speak. He was actually in the Olympics as a weightlifter and even won a gold medal!

In these lessons with Mrs Hyman, we have put colour on to the cloth to brighten it up, we have also been stitching the fabric into the cloth and some of us were just learning how the stich.

The people we have chosen, we have picked because there was something about them or their story that stood out to us and inspired us.

By Susie Tenby



Every year, Calderwood Lodge celebrates the Jewish festival of Chanukah. All of the world Jewish communities celebrate this festival and in Calderwood Lodge we feel that it is a great time to show how much we appreciate everything we have in life.

In our school, the primary four class preformed The Story of Chanukah at the school Chanukah Assembly. Other performances included:

  • A group of primary sevens preforming the Chanukah story by taking song lyrics from the well-known musical “Les Miserable” and turning them into Chanukah related lyrics,
  • Children playing Chanukah songs on the violin or viola,
  • The school choir preforming their Chanukah songs to the whole school.

We also go down to our school hall each afternoon and watch a selected child from each class say the brachot and light the Chanukah candles.

This year, all the classes have had the opportunity to visit Shul and light the cnadles there. You can read more about that in Hassan’s blog entry.

Chanukah is about rededication and remembering the great miracle that happened many years ago. It is also about showing thankfulness to the people around us that we sometimes forgot and also forget how much that person has helped us. It is also about having fun and continuing the Chanukah traditions that are carried out every year by people all over the world.

Happy Chanukah Everyone

By Madeline Friel

Candle Lighting at Shul




On Tuesday, P5, P6, P7 went to Giffnock Shul. We went to Shul this week because we are celebrating Chanukah.  When we arrived, each of the boys had to wear Kippot to respect the Jewish Religion. We read the afternoon prayers with Rabbi Eli and afterwards we lighted the candles on the Menorah.

When we finished prayers, we had sugary doughnuts, chocolate doughnuts and orange juice and also the Rabbi gave us gifts which were dreidels, to help us to celebrate Chanukah.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself and found the Jewish traditions very interesting.

By Hassan Hashmi


Mitzvah Day

On Thursday 26th November, the Primary 7 class visited the People’s Palace, as part of our World War Two topic. Once we had finished with our workshops and had lunch, we drove over to Westacres Care Home as part of our Mitzvah Day activity.

The Primary 1 class had all made lovely Chanukah cards as part of their Mitzvah Day activities. Since they are all a little young to visit Westacres, we took the cards and delivered them all for them. When we arrived, we sang a number of Chanukah songs for the residents and Lilah and Maddie played a Chanukah song on their violins. We also brought our writing jotters along with us to read them stories that we had written at school. By the looks of it, some of the men and women fantastically enjoyed them!

At the end, we sang once again because they had enjoyed it so much first time round. We sang a few Chanukah songs such as Ner Li, Maoz Tzur, and Sevivon. They all gave us a massive clap at the end. Some also said that we were amazing!

To end off our visit we decided to sing Bim Bom because everyone loves that song! We said goodbye to the elderly people and they us to come visit us again soon! I think we did a great mitzvah by visiting the elderly people and hopefully we can do it more often through the year and not wait a whole year for Mitzvah Day again.

Vaneeza Ali










