Category Archives: Religious and Moral Education

Yom Hasoah



It was recently Yom Hashoah and in order to commemorate this day, there was an event held at Giffnock Shul,  which I as fortunate enough to attend. This day marks a day of remembrance for the people that died in the Holocaust.  2 school pupils lead the service and we had a Jewish male choir preforming. As the names of all those family members who had been killed were shown on the screen, a man played the violin. There were lots of clips from various Holocaust survivors and we had speeches from special guests, including Ben Helfgot, who is a very well known Holocaust survivor.

6 candles were lit for the 6 million Jews who had died in the War.  Pupils from the school or the local area came up to light 5 candles and then the sixth candle was lit by Ben Helfgot, our special guest.

The  theme of the evening was “from Poland to Windmere”, and his speech told us all about his story and his journey and how he feels about the Holocaust today.

Primary 7 had also been working on a project and had picked a person from the ‘Boys’ to commemorate and make a hand stitched tea towel that were all displayed in the Shul hall.

It was a special day to be a part of.

By Susie Tenby


Yom Hashoah

The Yom Hashoah Project


The Primary 7 class has been working on a project led by Mrs Hyman (Freddie’s mum!). We were all given the task of going away and creating our own ICT collages based on a person who lived through World War II.

We have been learning about Ben Helfgott and ‘the boys’. Many of the people that we have chosen to work on were children in the Holocaust and separated from their families. Many now live in the U.K and we have looked at and learned a little about what their lives are like now.

With the people we have chosen, we have selected pictures and words that link to them and help people to learn more about them.

When we had all finished our collages, we had them printed on to fabrics which are now going to be sewn onto a cloth which we will keep, as a pillow or a tea towel.

Our collages will also be shown at an event for people to see them. Ben Helfgott is also going to be coming to the Yom Hashoah event at Giffnock Synagogue to speak. He was actually in the Olympics as a weightlifter and even won a gold medal!

In these lessons with Mrs Hyman, we have put colour on to the cloth to brighten it up, we have also been stitching the fabric into the cloth and some of us were just learning how the stich.

The people we have chosen, we have picked because there was something about them or their story that stood out to us and inspired us.

By Susie Tenby

Rabbi Rubin and Primary 7

Rabbi_Rubbin (2)


Recently our school’s Rabbi, Rabbi Rubin, visited the Primary Seven class to answer any questions linked to Judaism that we had before leaving for High School.

He answered many of our questions that we were desperate to know the answer to. None of the pupils in Primary Seven will be transferring to a Jewish High School because there is not a High School like that in Scotland. Therefore, we will no longer be taking subjects such as Kodesh and Ivrit.

His visit was very educational and helpful for the Jewish and non-Jewish children in our class. All pupils got something out of the visit, including our class teacher, Mrs Santi. Even if we thought we already knew the answer to a question he expanded our knowledge on it.

We had lots of questions and we didn’t get through all of them. Luckly, we have the advantage of having a monthly visit from Rabbi Rubin where we will be able to ask more questions and receive more answers.

This means, that when it is time for us to go to High School, we will remember all the fascinating facts that Rabbi Rubin told us during these visits in Primary Seven and we hope that this will help us to carry on with our own traditions and faith even once we leave Calderwood Lodge.

By Maddie and Amy

Calderwood’s Chanukah Disco



Every year I’m extremely excited to attend the Chanukah Disco and this year was no exception.

Most of my class were able to come along. This was my last disco at Calderwood Lodge and I really didn’t want to miss out. I was there to celebrate with my friends, my class and the rest of the school.

At the disco we all danced and enjoyed the sweets from the stall. I played and laughed my friends all night. There was prizes to be won from the DJ and a few of the younger stages won them and looked extremely happy with themselves.

The Chanukah disco was very fun and our class loved it. It will be sad to think that we will never get to go again but I hope that the tradition is carried on, and that the next classes continue to go along and celebrate.

Lyla Gaizely-Gardiner

Chanukah Assembly

Madeleine and Hassan have been telling you all in earlier blogs about Chanukah. As part of our celebrations, we went to see the Primary 4 class performing a Chanukah Show.  The parents all came along to watch.


There was a short play that included songs and the story of Chanukah. The story talks about the Maccabis and how they went to war with the Greeks because the Greeks said no to Shabbat. They only had enough oil to light the candle on the Menorah for one night and miraculously, it lasted for 8 days.


The choir completed the show with the traditional Chanukah songs. There was a lovely electric atmosphere and all the children were excited for the celebrations. It is a special assembly every year.



Every year, Calderwood Lodge celebrates the Jewish festival of Chanukah. All of the world Jewish communities celebrate this festival and in Calderwood Lodge we feel that it is a great time to show how much we appreciate everything we have in life.

In our school, the primary four class preformed The Story of Chanukah at the school Chanukah Assembly. Other performances included:

  • A group of primary sevens preforming the Chanukah story by taking song lyrics from the well-known musical “Les Miserable” and turning them into Chanukah related lyrics,
  • Children playing Chanukah songs on the violin or viola,
  • The school choir preforming their Chanukah songs to the whole school.

We also go down to our school hall each afternoon and watch a selected child from each class say the brachot and light the Chanukah candles.

This year, all the classes have had the opportunity to visit Shul and light the cnadles there. You can read more about that in Hassan’s blog entry.

Chanukah is about rededication and remembering the great miracle that happened many years ago. It is also about showing thankfulness to the people around us that we sometimes forgot and also forget how much that person has helped us. It is also about having fun and continuing the Chanukah traditions that are carried out every year by people all over the world.

Happy Chanukah Everyone

By Madeline Friel

Candle Lighting at Shul




On Tuesday, P5, P6, P7 went to Giffnock Shul. We went to Shul this week because we are celebrating Chanukah.  When we arrived, each of the boys had to wear Kippot to respect the Jewish Religion. We read the afternoon prayers with Rabbi Eli and afterwards we lighted the candles on the Menorah.

When we finished prayers, we had sugary doughnuts, chocolate doughnuts and orange juice and also the Rabbi gave us gifts which were dreidels, to help us to celebrate Chanukah.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself and found the Jewish traditions very interesting.

By Hassan Hashmi


Mitzvah Day

On Thursday 26th November, the Primary 7 class visited the People’s Palace, as part of our World War Two topic. Once we had finished with our workshops and had lunch, we drove over to Westacres Care Home as part of our Mitzvah Day activity.

The Primary 1 class had all made lovely Chanukah cards as part of their Mitzvah Day activities. Since they are all a little young to visit Westacres, we took the cards and delivered them all for them. When we arrived, we sang a number of Chanukah songs for the residents and Lilah and Maddie played a Chanukah song on their violins. We also brought our writing jotters along with us to read them stories that we had written at school. By the looks of it, some of the men and women fantastically enjoyed them!

At the end, we sang once again because they had enjoyed it so much first time round. We sang a few Chanukah songs such as Ner Li, Maoz Tzur, and Sevivon. They all gave us a massive clap at the end. Some also said that we were amazing!

To end off our visit we decided to sing Bim Bom because everyone loves that song! We said goodbye to the elderly people and they us to come visit us again soon! I think we did a great mitzvah by visiting the elderly people and hopefully we can do it more often through the year and not wait a whole year for Mitzvah Day again.

Vaneeza Ali












Shabbat U.K.

On Friday 23rd October 2015 it was Shabbat UK.

Shabbat UK is part of the Shabbos project. The purpose of the Shabbos project is a project that is made to call on all Jewish people and encourage them to celebrate Shabbat together. This project is celebrated all around the world and Shabbat UK brings lots of people together in so many different ways.

Our school celebrated Shabbat UK at our Kabbalat Shabbat Assembly on Friday. We started off with our normal Kabbalat Shabbat routine, with a few surprise changes in between. We also got to listen to a video message from the Chief Rabbi.

In this Kabbalat Shabbat we learned that it is important for all communities to work together in unity.

By Iman Rasool

Simchat Torah

Calderwood Lodge pupils, teachers and parents celebrated Simchat Torah in style this month, with the help of our dynamic school Chaplain Rabbi Moshe Rubin.

The entire school from Nursery to Primary Seven gathered in the assembly hall for a short but lively service.

To begin, Rabbi Rubin got the school warmed up by singing Mazel Tov to Mrs Carlton in celebration of her recent marriage. Then every class got up and performed a traditional Israeli dance led by Ivrit teacher, Shosh Greenberg.

During this process the Primary Ones where blessed by Rabbi Rubin. They gathered together under his tallis as he recited a prayed, accompanied by the whole school.

The school where then led in a rendition of ‘O da vee noo chai’ by Rabbi Rubin who urged pupils to punch into the air whilst shouting, “Oi!” There was also lots of drumming on the floor, adding to the excitement of the day.

Next, The Chatan Torah (Freddie Hyman) and Chatan Bereshit (Josh Lewis) came forward to perform the most important part of the assembly. Freddie read the prays to end the years Torah readings and Josh read the prayers for the beginning of this year’s Torah reading.

Finally the assembly came to an end with a special reading performed by Elliot Line.

By Lilah Cowen













