Category Archives: Numeracy and Mathematics

Upper School Master Classes



baking       film

sewing        woodwork

The Primary Four, Five, Six and Seven classes have recently started Master Classes every Friday. Each one of the master classes will run for 4 weeks.

The classes consist of:

  • Film making
  • Sewing
  • Woodwork
  • Baking/cooking

Each class is led by one of the class teachers.

In Primary Seven, we have recently started Film Making with Mrs Santi. We have been given the challenge of creating a short film that will send a message to the viewers. This will then be shown to the rest of the school at one of our weekly assemblies.

We have completed projects like this in the past. Mrs Santi was able to show us some of the work from the project we did a few years ago, when we were all in Primary 3. One of the most helpful tips we picked up on was the importance of impact. We realised that sometimes the use of dialogue in a short film can take away from the message that the group are trying to share.

We chose groups to create our films with and with those groups we had to come up with a team name and a message for our film.

We then had to plan out where the scenes would be shot and what props would be needed. We carried this out in a similar way as we had [previously done in our writing lessons for Script-Writing.

Now we have completed practice scenes and watched them back to see would we could add in or take out, to help make our short film even better. The groups have also discussed if their short film will look realistic and if the characters are easy to play.

Overall the film making work shop will not only help with filming and editing skills, it will also help improve our dramatic acting skills too!

We have loved the Master Classes so far and look forward to trying the other ones. We have heard that the Primary Six class have been learning to sew and have been using their new skills to help them make things like puppets.

In Primary Five, they are learning about woodwork and have been using their new skills to make bird houses. This sounded really interesting. First of all they planned out the design and structure of their bird house and then cut their wood to be a fitting size, they are soon to move on to actually building their bird houses.

Finally, in Primary Four, they have been learning about cooking and baking skills. So far they have made savoury things like cheese scones and pizzas. Then they have also made sweet things, like flapjacks. I am extremely excited to learn all these new skills that I have never tried before.

By Madeline Friel

Problem Solving in Primary 7

Primary Seven’s Problem Solving


In Primary Seven we decided that we would like to update our Numeracy and Mathematics wall with a brand new Problem Solving display.

We didn’t take this challenge on lightly. We each came up with some challenging problems for our classmates to solve. Some questions involved acting out the situation and others involved some difficult calculations. They all involved a lot of brainpower. We made sure that we were using our problem solving skills to complete these questions.

We split into our maths groups: Red, Blue and Green, and answered the question that someone in our group had come up with. We also made some very eye-catching posters and symbols of our learning.

This activity helped us show our understanding of all the problem solving skills that we had learned throughout our time in Primary 7. Now all of our posters, questions and answers are up on the primary seven wall, we even colour coded them to make it easy to match them up! We are all proud of what we have done and we can’t wait to continue to improve our knowledge of problem solving. We think it might get even more challenging in High School.

I asked Iman what she thought about the Problem Solving activity:

“I think that it was a fun activity and I enjoyed completing other people’s questions to see what they came up with.”

By Lilah Cowen.