Category Archives: -My Achievements

Robert Burns


Recently in Primary Seven, we have been learning about Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns.

Burns was a man with ideas and took his ideas and made poems and songs. We have been listening to some of his poems and analysing them, finding out what they mean, and what they are based on.

Burns’ birthday is not long away, the 25th January. We have decided to create a Robert Burns wall, allowing our school to see what Primary Seven have been learning about and who Robert Burns was.

For homework, Mrs Santi, has given each pupil in class the choice to find out what Burns’ poems mean and re-writing his poems. Robert Burns was voted as the Greatest Scot by the Scottish public and is widely respected worldwide. He wrote his poems in different ways. Some he wrote in Scots and some in Standard English. Although he is popular and respected by people today, he was never treated this way when he was actually alive.

He lived in poverty and was very poor, however, this did not stop him from resuming poetry writing. He taught us resilience and showed his personal feelings. He is a very important person to the Scottish public and people in other countries across the world and is an iconic figure in music history. He influenced people and music in many, many ways.

Freddie Hyman

WWII Curricular Event










On Friday, Primary 7 turned our classroom into a World War Two registration room and invited our parents and grandparents to come and enjoy our WWII event. Our class held a World War II event. It was a chance to show our friends and family what we had been learning over the past few months. We had more than 20 visitors!

We set up a number of stations:
First of all, every visitor had to register for their identification card. We have learned that at any point during the war, if you were asked to display or show your ID badge, it was crucial that you had it on you.

Then, everybody had to register for their Rationing books and a specific store. At the store, they were able to learn about all the food that had to be rationed, and why. Everyone during the war had to register to a store to stop them using their rationing books in lots of different stores.

Everyone had the chance to make their own gas masks as well, which would be necessary during the Blitz. These were quite magnificent

Outside the classroom, we had a live radio broadcast by Amy Quigley and Lyla Gaizlie-Gardiner that followed the Blitz. And we also had information about the use of Propaganda posters and adverts and we got to show off our own.

On the whiteboard, we had a film showing each of us reading out some of our WWII evacuee letters and radio transcripts that we did in writing.

When our World War II event came to a close we sang songs that were very popular in World War II.

It was a great morning and all our parents and grandparents had a great time.

Simchat Torah

Calderwood Lodge pupils, teachers and parents celebrated Simchat Torah in style this month, with the help of our dynamic school Chaplain Rabbi Moshe Rubin.

The entire school from Nursery to Primary Seven gathered in the assembly hall for a short but lively service.

To begin, Rabbi Rubin got the school warmed up by singing Mazel Tov to Mrs Carlton in celebration of her recent marriage. Then every class got up and performed a traditional Israeli dance led by Ivrit teacher, Shosh Greenberg.

During this process the Primary Ones where blessed by Rabbi Rubin. They gathered together under his tallis as he recited a prayed, accompanied by the whole school.

The school where then led in a rendition of ‘O da vee noo chai’ by Rabbi Rubin who urged pupils to punch into the air whilst shouting, “Oi!” There was also lots of drumming on the floor, adding to the excitement of the day.

Next, The Chatan Torah (Freddie Hyman) and Chatan Bereshit (Josh Lewis) came forward to perform the most important part of the assembly. Freddie read the prays to end the years Torah readings and Josh read the prayers for the beginning of this year’s Torah reading.

Finally the assembly came to an end with a special reading performed by Elliot Line.

By Lilah Cowen
















This year, the Primary 7 class have been first to start their swimming lessons. We go to Eastwood Swimming Pool every Thursday for a 6 week block.
We all started off by getting changed for swimming and getting everything ready and putting a pound in the locker for all of our stuff. Once everybody is ready, we all start head for the pool. For our first lesson, we were all very excited to jump in the pool. To begin, we had to do the front crawl in pairs from the shallow end to the deep end.
In other lessons, we have been working on our back stroke with a float. The teacher is always there to give us help along the way.
At the end of each lesson, we all get to dive or jump into the pool and choose our favourite stroke to swim a length.
We asked a few people about their thoughts on the swimming:

Gabby “I enjoy having swimming lessons because when we started in Primary 7, I wasn’t able to do the front crawl and now I am getting much better”.

Freddie “It’s fun and healthy at the same time”.

Amy “Our teachers are really helpful, they are always giving us tips on how we can improve”.





Book Buddies

Near the beginning of term, the Primary Seven class went downstairs to the Primary One class to come up with a story with them and create our very own book.

Each Primary 7 pupil worked with one or two of the Primary 1 boys and girls. We then sat together and gathered ideas from them about the books that they enjoy reading and what they wanted their story to be about.
We made some sketches that we would include in our book and the Primary 1’s helped with these drawings. This helped them to improve their art skills. Their talents were exceptional!
We then typed up our stories and we will soon be turning these into the finished products.

Some of the Primary One class might grow up to become authors one day since some of their ideas were incredible.
Miss Jagger and Mrs Santi helped us a lot as well. We all worked together to do our very best work. It was a really fantastic activity that taught us about responsibility and learning and I hope we get to do something like this again soon.

Vaneeza Ali




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