Our First Day in Amsterdam


That’s us in Amsterdam. We started our day with a slightly delayed KLM flight and arrived in Amsterdam in the afternoon. Once we had landed, we were met by a lady who had organised a bus to take us to our hotel. We dropped our bags off at the hotel and went to the dining area to have some lunch. We also got split into three different groups led by Mr Robson, Mrs Santi and Mrs Yedd.
Once we had finished, we hopped onto a bus that took us to a City Sightseeing Tour Bus that would take us around eleven parts of Amsterdam, telling us all about the different areas and its history. On this trip we saw famous landmarks such as, The Secret Annex, famous canals, the only windmill left in the city centre and the Jewish History Museum. Some of us were already a little tired and had a small snooze on the bus!
At the end of the tour, we ventured back to our hotel, where we were given the keys to our hotel rooms and told who we would be sharing with. With a little time to settle in to our rooms, we got to relax a little and unpack. The teachers then came in to check on us to see how things were going, before dinner.
At dinner, we got the chance to sit with our friends and talk about our rooms and favourite parts of the day. We can’t wait for the next few days and all the adventures to come!
By Maddie, Susie and Lilah
