Our Trip to the People’s Palace – WWII Workshop

Today the Primary 7 class went to the People’s Palace as part of our World War Two topic in school.

To start the trip, we met Laura who asked us lots of questions about World War Two, to see how much we had been learning. We got lots of questions correct! We then split into two groups. One of the groups went to the dairy shop and learned all about rationing. We learnt that you had a ration book and had to get it stamped every time they did a shop, we also learnt that you would get a block of cheese that would have to be shared between a family of 5 or more 5 and it would have to last about 3 weeks. We asked about the other foods and what might happen if you had allergies or needed Kosher food.
While Group 1 were at the Dairy, the other group were given a clipboard with a piece of paper which had a series of questions to answer and they had to find the answers in the museum.

Once both groups had a turn at both areas, we all got together again to take part in some role play and some of us even got to dress up. There were four groups: Woman’s Land Army; children and babies with gasmasks; first aid kits and injuries and Anderson shelters. We learned a lot here and got some great photographs too.

After that we all got to have lunch in the Winter Gardens in the lunch area and we all got a lot of time to eat and enjoy some time with each other. After we had finished our lunch we all got to look at all the interesting plants and trees that you don’t normally see in parks and gardens. It was a great day and it will help us a lot with our own curricular event for WWII when the parents visit.

By Amy Quigley


People's Palace  The whole class!

IMG_1935 Questions about WWII

IMG_1940 The Dairy Shop

IMG_1943 An Anderson Shelter

IMG_1950  What to take with us?

IMG_1953       IMG_1954

IMG_1955  Real life War experiences!
