Friday Fun!

Some of us have been busy with Hama beads and Kapla in the atrium!  How do you like our creations?  (We took the photos by ourselves too!)

Week Beginning 03.05.19

Although we don’t issue homework in June, we are posting a couple of high-frequency word lists because some parents had said that they would like to revise these over the holidays.  Remember not to tackle too many words at once – it’s better to make sure that your child is completely confident about reading/writing one small set of words before you introduce any new ones.

Click here for a list of useful words.

Click here for words that can be cut up to make little cards.


Visit to Mearns Castle

We had a lovely afternoon yesterday walking up to Mearns Castle to see where people may have lived in the past.  We had some questions to answer such as:

Where would the food and drink have been stored?

How many storeys does the castle have?

Thank you to Mrs Macpherson and Mrs Dee who came with us. We were lucky that the sun shone for us!



We have had great fun learning how to sew.  We are making a bookmark.  It is quite tricky threading the needle and not getting the thread in knots!

Hit The Button Game

Here is a link to a numeracy game that the children enjoy playing in class.  They can choose the type of calculation to practise then have fun trying  to improve their scores and times.


Spelling Words Being Taught in Class This Week

Click the links if you would like to see the Spelling words we will be working on in class this week.

Click here for Exclamation Marks spelling.

Click her for Question Marks spelling.

Want To Practise Handwriting At Home?

Some of our parents have asked if we could help them find resources that would allow their children to practise forming letters correctly at home.  This is a great idea because forming letters the right way help children write clearly and fluently.  It also helps them get ready for joined-up writing which will be coming along very soon!

Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds  is one app that allows children to form letters using a finger on a phone or a tablet.  Apparently it is available for Apple or Android devices and costs about £5.   Let us know if you are aware of any other good handwriting apps and we’ll share your ideas on the blog.

We have also made handwriting paper which you can print out if you want your child to practise making letters exactly the right size and positioning them in exactly the right place!  Click on the link below to download it.

Click here for handwriting paper.

Hope that helps!


Homework for week beginning Monday 20th May to Friday 31st May

We are going to hold a Medieval banquet.  We would like the children to make something to wear from recycled materials e.g. a shield, a hat, a crown, a cloak.

We will let you know the date of the banquet when we have finalised the details.


We are not sending spelling words as homework this week, but will still be working on them in class.  If you would like to practise this week’s words on your own, you can find them by clicking the links below.

Click here for Exclamation Marks’ spelling.

Click here for Question Marks’ spelling.

Having Fun on National Numeracy Day!

Wednesday 15th of May was National Numeracy Day.  To celebrate, 2c had some extra time to enjoy playing numeracy games.   We added, we subtracted, we  multiplied and divided, we doubled and halved, we rounded, we explored tens and units… but most of all, we had fun using lots of the numeracy skills we have learnt!



P2c had a super morning yesterday, enjoying a gymnastics session with Jacqui and Kirsty.  Everyone created great balances, travelled along the equipment, practised rolls and  jumped off the apparatus. We had a fantastic time! Thank you very much!

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