Road Safety Competition

Please click below find information about the East Renfrewshire Road Safety Calendar competition 

Road Safety Competition 2019

Money Fun

We had a special visitor from a charity called Money Advice Scotland. We took part in a fun quiz about money, ordered all of the coins and notes and then had to match our shopping items to how much money we had. We really enjoyed our visit ☺️


Here is our homework for next week. Sumdog can be downloaded as an app or accessed via

We have set each child 50 challenge questions to do which are answered through playing games. These relate to the work we have been covering in class.

Please note – there is no 3rd task this week.

Click here for homework task sheet

Maths Week part 2

We had great fun taking part in our maths scavenger hunt. We had to find lots things in our environment such as something spherical, something which tells the time, a number in the teens and something symmetrical. We had to take a picture of each thing we found using the iPads.


Maths Week part 1

We have been enjoying exploring how maths is used in our every day life. We have been speaking about the importance of our number facts. We decided to practise these by making a number house. Each window had a question and underneath you find the answer.


Music with Mrs Lyall

We had great fun at music this morning. We played two games to help us learn our new rhythms, ta and te te. We learned that both ta and tete are worth one beat. Try challenging us by asking us to tap the rhythms.






Autumn Is Here

P3c. 1 and P3c.2 had a great time working together yesterday exploring the outdoors. We searched for different shapes and colours of leaves to create some animal portraits. We had to use our creativity to try and piece them together. We think they look great, can you work out what we designed?

In the afternoon, we extended our learning by creating some amazing autumn poems using similes. We worked together in our classes to come up with some fantastic similes about autumn leaves and then in pairs we wrote our own simile poem. We are really proud of all our hard work!

Team work makes the dream work

We worked really hard hard as part of a team to make an amazing house using our  construction straws.



Monday 23rd September – 2 Week Homework

Monday 23rd September  – Family Numeracy and Maths Homework Challenge

Families can choose one activity (or more if you wish) from the grid and work on this together over the next two weeks.  How you record and share your homework is up to you! There are some suggestions on the grid but please feel free to be as inventive as you wish.  This homework will last two weeks. On Friday 4th October, the eldest child in each family should bring in their family homework and the pupils will get a chance to share their activity with the school community.  The homework should be carried out as a family and each activity can be simplified or extended to allow everyone to take part.  There are lots of real life challenges to allow our pupils to see the benefit numeracy and maths has on our everyday life.  These activities are designed to be fun, active and engaging for all our learners.  It will not only promote their numeracy, but it will also develop their problem solving, creativity and collaboration skills.

Thank you for your support!

Being numerate helps us to function responsibly in everyday life and contribute effectively to society. It increases our opportunities within the world of work and establishes foundations which can be built upon through lifelong learning. Numeracy is not only a subset of mathematics; it is also a life skill which permeates and supports all areas of learning, allowing young people access to the wider curriculum.    (Education Scotland)

family numeracy homework

P.E- change of days

We would just like to inform everyone to the change in P.E days. Could you please ensure that all jewellery is removed on the following days.

P3c.1 – Tuesday and Wednesday

P3c.2 – Monday and Wednesday

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