A little reminder

Good afternoon 7b
I hope you all enjoyed the little send-off we were able to give you yesterday and that you’ve all had a fantastic first night with your families relaxing after such a busy week!
As I said yesterday, I am so excited to be your new teacher, and it has been lovely getting to know some of you better over the last few days.
Remember, as we enter this time of home learning, I will still be your teacher. It’s just going to be a little different to normal.
Before I posted any work, I just wanted to send you all a little reminder that even though we are now learning differently, the facts remain the same.
If you need anything from me, anything at all, please just ask.
If you need help with any of the work because you’re stuck or you need something clarified.
If you are feeling sad, angry or confused about everything that’s happening at the minute.
If you need suggestions of books to read, websites for games, or art activities to do while you’re at home.
Or if you just want to talk to me about how your day is going and what you had for breakfast.
Please, please just let me know.
My job as a teacher is not only to help you learn all the academic stuff – the maths, the reading, the writing, but also to support and nurture you in any way that I can so that you can become the best version of yourself.
On that note, let’s have a wonderful first week of home learning!
I will be in touch tomorrow with more details about the work this week.
Miss Itcovitz

Homework 9.3.20 (Over 2 weeks)

Please click on the link below to access your homeowork for the next two weeks.

9th March homework

Homework is due in on Friday 20th March. 

Topical Science Articles March

Topical Science Worksheet


Consolidate your CfE 2nd Level Numeracy/Maths skills this month.

Or extend your CfE 3rd Level Numeracy/Maths skills this month.

#abitofmathseveryday #littleandoften 🥉🥈🥇📅





P7 Science Fair

Primary 7 held a very successful Science Fair this week. We were super impressed with the research, investigations and experiments that were carried out as well as the scientific language being used throughout the morning.

Primary 6 came to visit our stalls and had a fantastic time exploring the various concepts.

A huge well done to our Scientists of the week who were all from P7b!

Luka and Murray – Gold Award

Sophie and Meghna – Silver Award

Andrei – Bronze Award

Topical Science

Topical Science – February 2020

2002 Topical Science Update Feb

Primary 7 Aladdin Vests


P7 Show – Aladdin Vests

Dear Parent/Carer,

Your child will shortly be taking part in a school performance for P7 school show. As always we rely on your assistance to help to organise your child’s costume where possible. As part of the costume for this show, we will be making Arabian style vests which each cast member will wear. To help us to make these vests, we require your child to bring an old t-shirt to school. This t-shirt will be cut and decorated to make their own particular vest. Please only supply an old or cheap t-shirt that you are happy to be cut and sewn.

Each part of our ensemble will require a different shade of t-shirt. We have specified the colour for your child  below. If you have any problems sourcing this, please let us know as soon as possible and we will be happy to assist you.

Please can we have these in for Friday 13th March.

As always, your cooperation is very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

P7 Teachers

Arabian Vest Colours


Genie and Genie Ensemble – Blue

Jafar and Jafar Ensemble – Red

Agrabhans and Market people – Green

Aladdin’s Friends – Yellow

Set Designers and Guards – Black

Spooky Voice and Cave of Wonder – Black

Snake Charmers – Green

Musicians – Orange




Primary 7 Aladdin Costumes

Primary 7 Show – Aladdin Costumes

Dear Parent/Carer,

You will be aware, our Primary 7 children will shortly be performing their annual show. As the show is drawing near we are seeking your support in supplying some costumes. You will find attached a list of the characters and the costumes they should wear during the performance in the hope that you can help if at all possible.

If you have difficulty sourcing any of the items that we have requested then please don’t worry at all, just let us know as soon as possible. We will of course do our very best to make sure every child has a costume to suit their part in the production.

Please send costume items in to school in a clearly labelled bag no later than

Friday 20th March.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the show. As always, thank you very much for your help and support.

Yours sincerely,

P7 Teachers


Cast Costume
Aladdin White top and leggings
Jasmine White top and leggings
Genie White long sleeved top
Jafar Black dress and red/black cloak
Iago Black t-shirt and black trousers
Sultan/Prince Abdullah White long sleeved top and harem pants/baggy trousers
Aladdin’s friends White long sleeved top and white baggy trousers/ harem pants
Princesses Lilac/purple top and lilac/purple baggy trousers/dress
Guards Black long sleeved top and black baggy trousers/ harem pants
Genie’s ensemble White long sleeved top and white baggy trousers/ harem pants
Jafar’s ensemble Black long sleeved top and black baggy trousers/ harem pants
Market Stall Owners Brown/beige long sleeved top and brown baggy trousers/ harem pants
Fortune Tellers black cloak, black trousers and black top
Spooky Voice/Cave of Wonder White long sleeved top and black trousers
Snake charmers Brown/beige long sleeved top and brown baggy trousers/ harem pants
Agrabahns Brown/beige long sleeved top and brown baggy trousers/ harem pants
Musicians Brown/ beige top long sleeved top and brown/beige baggy trousers/ harem pants
Scenic Designers/Props White long sleeved top and black trousers

Fairtrade Fortnight

Dear Parent/Carer,

Our Fairtrade Pupil Group members have been working very hard to promote Fairtrade Fortnight which starts on Monday 24 February and finishes on Sunday 8 March 2020.

As preparation for Fairtrade Fortnight the Primary 4 pupil group members conducted a survey to find out which treats children would like to buy at the tuck shop we are planning to run. A subgroup of Primary 5s created posters to advertise the tuck shop around the school. The older members of the pupil group will be giving a speech and showing a PowerPoint to the rest of the school to raise awareness of Fairtrade. The Primary 7 members created a rota for the tuck shop (see below).

We would like to invite children to bring in cash to buy a Fairtrade treat from the tuck shop. We will be offering Geobake chocolate chip cookies, a variety of Divine chocolate bars and Fairtrade Jellybeans. The tuck shop will be running from Monday 2nd March until Friday 6th March. All items are £1.10 so please send your child with the correct amount if possible.

  • Monday 2nd March – Primary 1 and Primary 2
  • Tuesday 3rd March – Primary 3
  • Wednesday 4th March – Primary 4 and Primary 5
  • Thursday 5th March – Primary 6
  • Friday 6th March – Primary 7

Fair Trade Tuck Shop

Yours sincerely,

Fairtrade Pupil Group


Spreadsheets lesson 2: Ordering and Presenting

Hockey League – Children

Activity Sheet Hockey League

Science Homework

Attached is your homework for the next three weeks.

Good luck!

Science Mini Project


Charles Rennie Mackintosh Art

Today primary 7b have been working very hard. We have been making art inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

We used the visual elements of lines, form, and shape to draw our own Mackintosh inspired roses.

We also learned about the life of Charles and the buildings in Glasgow that he designed.

(Written by TN, SS, TW, MM)

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