All posts by Mrs Senior


P7a are investigating the affect of helpful and harmful microorganisms. We used bread in our experiment and we observed the mould growing over the next few days! 🔍👩🏼‍🔬


P7a are learning about different forms of discrimination and how it impacts people’s lives. They are leading their own learning using a jigsaw technique 📝 We love our multicultural home Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Looking at Art by Modigliani

Learning Intention

We are learning to demonstrate skill in the visual elements

Success Criteria

We will be able to

  • Draw a face and neck using elongated, curved lines.
  • Draw an oval shaped face with almond shaped eyes.
  • Select bright coloured oil pastels to colour portraits.
  • Outline portrait and features using black

Pizza Express

On the 6th of February 2018 Primary 7 went to Pizza Express. P7a went to one in Princes Square and P7b went to Queen Street.

After getting a bus ride into Glasgow City Centre, we split up and each class had a short walk to their restaurant. When we arrived we had to wash our hands and we were each given an apron and a Pizza Express hat with a number on it. 

We started out kneading the dough into a circle shape. It is a lot harder than you would think! We found it a little tricky at points but we eventually got into a shape that, somewhat, resembled a circle.

Next we had to put into put it into a pan lined with a special oil that worked like glue.

After working it into a reasonable shape within the pan we started putting on the sauce.This was super hard! We got a large dollop of tomato puree/sauce in the middle and we to tilt the pan to cover the whole thing, some people were amazing at this!

Then we had to get add cheese on top. You wouldn’t believe it, but you actually use not as much cheese as you’d expect. Only a little is used because it stretches when it melts.

We all were called out and the pizzas were put onto racks for the oven. We did a small quiz while we waited and then we got to eat our pizza! We all absolutely loved ou pizza;it was really tasty and we enjoyed drinking the juice we were given as well. This was so kind of the staff as they didn’t need to give us juice. 

It’s safe to say we all loved the visit and we all agree it was one of our favourite school trips EVER. 


Figurative Language

This week we have been learning and revising figurative language.

Related image

First, we looked at a power-point and the revised what  similes and metaphors  were , and it gave some examples of similes  and metaphors.

Similes use like or as to compare two things . Here is a example of a simile;

Her eyes sparkled like diamond.

A metaphor is saying something is something without like or as.This is an example of metaphor;

The girl is a pretty picture.

Next we learned about onomatopoeia which is when a word sounds like its noise. For example;

Crash , sizzle and snap .

Then we focused on personification which is giving an object or animal human characteristics.  Here is  an example;

The stars danced in the sky .

You can also find something called hyperbole’s in a text. This is an obvious exaggeration to make a point, Like;

My hands are as cold as ice. 

Last but not least, we looked at alliteration which the words in a sentence  start with the same letter or sound. An example would be;

 Abigail Ate An Apple Aggressively .

To finish, we watch a video which gave examples of figurative language in songs. Have a look yourself and see how many you can spot!



Robert Burns

This week Primary 7a started learning about Robert Burns. We started learning about this significant Scottish poet by making a KWL grid, which stands for what you KNOW, what you WANT to know and what you have LEARNED at the end of the study. After that, we read information sheets and highlighted the important info and took notes. Next we watched videos and also took notes.

The main outcome from Curriculum for Excellence for this topic is LIT 2-25a

This photo was taken when we were taking notes, as we were watching videos.

As a class we  drew portraits of Robert Burns here are a few examples:

We are learning about Burns because we are having a Burns supper on the 26th of January which we are all very excited about. For this we designed some invitations in a Scottish theme. We think you’ll agree some of our designs are very unique and patriotic.


We are preparing for this by writing our own Toast To The Lassies and Reply To The Laddies. Once everyone has handed them in, we will share them with each other and together with Mrs Senior will choose one of each and they will recite them out at the Burns Supper. We have also been given homework to choose a Burns poem and read it out to the class, as well as telling the class why you have picked it.

The next few weeks are going to be so exciting so stay tuned to find out what else we get up to!


Perspective Art

This week in Art & Design we developed our perspective skills. We looked at a variety of images online that show excellent examples of perspective in the real world., some of these included images of New York, Tokyo, London among others. Having looked at these images we moved on to create our own pieces of perspective art.

We learned how perspective can make real life objects such as buildings and trees look different. In addition, we learned how to follow instructions to complete a piece of artwork. Finally, we learned to express our art skills in ways we had not expected. For example, we drew buildings at an unusual angle. For this we certainly had to apply skills we had previously developed in Maths.

Today we learned by carefully listening to Mrs Senior and following step-by-step instructions. Also, we used an art blog with diagrams to help us. To express our art skills we used unusual and unique methods of drawing such as drawing a horizon line and a vanishing point. Everyone worked as a team and executed ideas well.

This lesson was very useful as it may help us with our art in High School. Another thing that is useful is knowing how to follow instructions because when you do things will turn out the way you expected, or BETTER! This is a skill for life that can be used when cooking, building lego, reading a map, building furniture from ikea among many other things.

Having completed our drawings we have developed our drawing skills, focusing on one point perspective. In addition to this we are now able to draw 2D and make it look 3D! An important thing we learned is to draw everyday objects such as trees and houses.

With regard to talking and listening skills, we had to remain focused when Mrs Senior was talking to ensure we would be successful. Finally, we used our creativity skills to add personal touches to our drawings.

Look out for a future post or tweet of our wall display!