Class Blog- 20th September

In Maths we looked at percentages and fractions. We worked on equivalent fractions and some of us tried adding fractions.

In Literacy we read an extract from Matilda and we used STEAL to analyse the character. WE thought about speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions and looks to explore the characters.

In Writing we used STEAL characterisation to create a witch, werewolf or a vampire. We used show not tell and STEAL.

In our Apprentice topic we worked in teams to design a new chocolate bar wrapper, logo and slogan. We had to follow the design brief we received in an email.

In P.E we started a league for our brand new made up game “sportsball”. In the gym hall we led other groups in a fitness routine.

With Mr Atkinson in Science we looked at true or false statements about fertiliser and completed some comprehension about fertilisers.

Mrs Barnes was in class on Monday. We learnt about our brains and how they can make us freeze, fight or flee.

Please note- Every week I ask the class for permission to include their photo in the blog. If they don’t feature they have likely asked for a photo not to be included.

Class Blog- 13th September


This week in maths we have been learning about percentages. We had to find percentages of different amounts.


In P.E this week we have been working on fitness. We made fitness routines in groups and then practised them.


This week we started creative writing about characters. We had to write four paragraphs about different characters’ emotions, showing how they felt through their actions.


This week in literacy we had to write a prediction about what we think will happen next in our books.


In STEM this week with Mr Atkinson we learnt about fertilisation and we had to complete a comprehension sheet in our jotters. We also started making a fact file about different plants around the world.


This week we started a new topic about business. We have been split into teams to form our own companies. We started by a team building challenge to draw a house without touching your teammates paper as we will have to work well in a team.


Blog this week by Hadia and Sara


Please note- Every week I ask the class for permission to include their photo in the blog. If they don’t feature they have likely asked for a photo not to be included.

Class Blog – 6th September



In maths this week we have been dividing by two digit and three digit numbers. 

We have also been looking at sequences and multiplying 4-5 digit numbers.


In STEM we have been looking at plants around the world and different regions, like desert and mountains etc. We also researched future jobs and did a quiz. We created posters about the jobs. Some jobs were mechanical engineer, aerospace engineer and cancer researcher etc.

We also did a KAPLA bridge building challenge. You got points for height and length and lost them for using columns. 


In writing we did three different types of poems which were, haikus, limericks and cinquains about nature.


In literacy we did apostrophes and practised different words with apostrophes in them. We also continued to read Cloud Busting and answered some comprehension questions.