Maths Week Scotland

We have been exploring ‘Maths through stories’ for Maths Week Scotland.

The Maths Curse

We linked this with our Apprentice topic and had to create a maths themed story book for this week’s challenge. We read the book called ‘The Math Curse’ which is about a girl who overcomes lots of maths challenges in a day. We worked in our groups to then create our own story book about maths problems in a real life context. These books will be displayed in our maths area in class.

Bean Thirteen

We also read the story Bean Thirteen. This book explored prime numbers and we had a go at finding all the prime numbers within 100.

Escape Rooms

We had a go at solving escape room puzzles on chrome books. They were quite challenging but fun at the same time.

Branding Week

This week for our Apprentice topic we had to complete a branding task. We were given a challenge to create branding and marketing for a chocolate brand called ‘Blazin Raisins’. We worked in our teams to draft different design options before selecting the one we were going to go for. We had to think about:




Once we were finished we had a discussion about what went well in our team and reviewed our project managers. Primary 7a voted for their favourite bars for us and this was the result:

1st place: Team Alpha Mines

2nd place: Team Aqua Velocity

3rd place: Team Starlight Odyssey

Well done to the rest of the teams! Next week a new challenge awaits!



The Apprentice begins!

We started our new topic this week and it has been a great start! Our topic is the theme of enterprise and is called: ‘The Apprentice’

We were put in to teams of 4 and had our first team building challenge! We were given an a3 sheet split into 4 and had to create a house. We were only allowed to draw on our section of paper and were not allowed to touch others. This required a lot of communication and planning.

We also decided our team names. This is what we have so far:

Atomic Extinct

Alpha mines

Team Love

Team Sapphire

Alpha Velocity

Next week we will get our first team challenge! We know it is a branding task but that is all.

Week beginning 2nd September

We have had a very productive week in 7b! Here is a little overview of everything that we got up to:


We continued exploring poetry and wrote our very own cinquain, limericks and haikus. We also had a go at writing a group poem with the theme ‘The Door’.


We explored how authors and poets use imagery in their writing to create clearer pictures in the readers mind. We then were given a challenge of reading a poem and drawing what we pictured while reading. Everyone had different images and in the end Mrs Rasul revealed that the poem was actually about a tiger!

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse

Having explored the themes of friendship, kindness and love, we created a class book inspired by the author and illustrater Charlie Mackesy. We each created our page inspired by his famous book, and then made a class version. Tia and Aarohi kindly offered to make the front cover. This book will now be in our cosy corner for anyone to read.

Vedic Square for maths

As part of maths, we learned about John Napier, one of Scotland’s most famous mathematicians. We then went on to look at maths patterns through a story called the Napier code. The first chapter had us exploring Vedic squares. These squares crate shape patterns based on the positioning of the numbers.