Week beginning 26th August

What a busy week in primary 7! We have been doing lots of things. Here is a snippet of our week:

Cloud Busting

We are well into our book now and have become more familiar with the main characters. A few twists and turning points have been revealed and it is getting more interesting. We have created comparison paragraphs to share our views on characters and even created a comic strip for chapter 10.

Poetry writing with metaphors

We had a go at writing poems with metaphors. Mrs Rasul let us write on our tables, we had to think of all the words that come to our mind linked to poetry and then had to ‘brain dump’ on our desks. This was fun. Then we went on to see examples of metaphors and created our own poems full of them!

Problem solving

We have been revising the four operations in maths (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and we had a go at solving worded problems linked to these.


Since we are reading cloud busting, we had a go at creating our very own cloud busting towers using Kapla. Each group went for a different style. The criteria was:

  • It had to be free standing
  • It had to have a viewing tower
  • It had to have a space for storage.

Have a look at some of our end results!


First week in Primary 7!

Welcome to the Primary 7B class blog! It has been a busy start to primary 7 and we have been doing lots of different team building and ‘getting to know you’ activities! Here are a few of the things we have been up to:

Class Charter

We discussed children’s Rights and how we can make sure we respect those rights in our classroom and school. We then had a vote for which theme we would like our class charter to be – The Minions won!

STEM Challenge

Mrs Rasul set us a challenge to create a tower using cups, string and an elastic band. The rule was that we could not touch the cups using any of our body parts. Despite it being tricky at first, we used our problem solving skills and figured it out in the end.

Sunny Wednesday

It was a great start to the school term with the sun shining on Wednesday so we went outside and played some games!