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Our last week in P7b

It’s been a busy last week together!


On Monday,  we created some Crookfur News reports: such a lot of creativity! Aliens landing, new species being found in the Woodland,  We showed how well-developed our skills on IMovie are since our work on the Apprentice, early in the year.


In the afternoon,  we had an Open Mic session, with gymnastics, dancing, singing, parkour, drama sketches and drawing.


On Tuesday, we started with our Yearbook breakfast, before our last Crookfur Assembly, and then some studying of the digital technologies used in a Pixar film 🙂


Wednesday was time for shirt signing and autograph books.


P7b – over and out!



w/c 10th June by Ben and Omar

On Monday we did some judo with a coach, we learned a lot of stuff and even learned a move! After break we made Scotland kits for the Euros this year.


Then we had a early lunch for a Eastwood show which was good but it felt a little bit long after early lunch!


Tuesday: We had Mr Wilson and we predicted the Euros and in the end Turkey won. After break we did some research about Denmark which is our classes country for the Euros and made bunting to decorate the school.

Then we made Kapla stadiums. 


Bikeability till lunch it was fun after lunch we did maths it was fun.



  On Thursday we did writing. It was very fun. We were writing about how we were representing Scotland. After break we recreated our stories that we made, then after we recorded we edited it on i movie, After lunch we did some art based on a Danish artist. 

w/c 23rd May by Gabby and Sophia




On Monday, we started the day off with spelling,

Which was focusing on homophones. After break, we did health and well being. Then, after lunch we practised a couple different scenes of our P7 show. For the people that weren’t practising, they focused on making the props, this was really fun.




On Tuesday morning we started with bike ability which was really fun. After break we had Mr Wilson and we focused on our French booklets. Then after lunch we did some show prop and costume making, while the people from Skye watched their movie at the house afternoon.




On Wednesday, we started off the day with writing. We 

were writing about BellaHoustoun tubing and skiing, or

Lockerbie Manor. After break we did health and wellbeing. Then after lunch we did a full runthrough of our primary 7 show.




On Thursday, we started off the day with maths and then our show rehearsal. In the afternoon, we had a visitor from Eastwood and then finished with Health and Wellbeing

w/c 29th April by Lewis and Rayan



In the morning , all of the primary 7s came to the science visit and we had 4 groups doing science. A couple of groups were learning about how batteries work and conducting experiments on them. It was so much fun! After break we did some rehearsal  of the show Shakespeare rocks!. 




On Tuesday, we had Science! They were extremely fun. Mr Wilson came to help us make posters for the environment. He’s helping us train to be Eco Activists! After all of that, we did the SNSA test. We were doing a bit of literacy. After lunch, we started practising for the school show! Did you know that there was a kind of play called the Scottish play, where they didn’t mention the name, “Macbeth”?



This morning was a different day. We did the remaining SNSA test in Writing and Numeracy. In Numeracy, they tested all our skills we learnt in this whole year! We rocked all the tests!  Then afterwards, we did some nice PE. We did P7b ball. What is that ? P7b ball is where you try to break the cones. If you succeed, you get a point! Then after Lunch we practised our school show like normal! 




This nice morning we went to Eastwood Highschool again to do science! This time, the groups who were learning about genes and inheritance were learning about batteries, and the other doing genes. It was so fun. After break we did comprehension and then after lunch we did show practice.





And finally…. colour run Friday!



w/c 22nd April by Mehr and Ruby



On Monday morning we did Health and wellbeing about what type of animal we were based on our skills and preferences.  After break maths on protractors and angles. In the afternoon we did a comprehension text and had to answer questions on it.




On Tuesday morning we did science and we did a presentation about a sustainable energy source. After Break we did some French and we picked a country that speaks French. Then Mrs Allan came back and we did spelling , the sound was du, bi and di. After lunch Mrs Slorach came in, we did maths and we did more angles and triangles.




In the morning we did writing on if Jack from Jack and the beanstalk was a criminal or an innocent victim. After break we played a game of P7B ball and it was really fun. After lunch Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Gordan from Eastwood came in to talk to us about going into high school.




In the Morning we had to finish our writing and read our autobiography on Ellie Simmonds or Benjamin Zephaniah. After break Hannah from Eastwood came in to help us with our maths on angles. After lunch we read the script of our show Shakespeare Rocks and we sang some of the songs. 

w/c 15th April by Alfie B and Hafsa


In the morning we had a visitor called Mrs Riaz telling us all about Eid and Ramadan.

After break we made a presentation about mosques around the world. We either did this individually or in pairs . After lunch we started some spring flower art.



In the morning we had Mr Wilson and we did science and worked on our presentations .After break we had French and we studied weather and seasons then Mrs Allan came back and we finished our Art. After lunch we did spelling sound. The sound was uni and mono after that we did Maths. We finished our work on money and about not to be tricked by advertising (like money off deals)




In the morning we started with writing, our writing was on what we did not do in the Easter holidays. After break we did P.E. we played a game like netball but with cones instead of goals. After that we did music, we practised a song from our show.


In the morning we did maths. After break we made pakora it was so fun!


After lunch we did art.  We made Islamic art patterns, it was very fun but very tricky.          


On Friday we could wear cultural or celebration clothes.


In the morning we played Blooket about Eid. After break we did spelling and we went to Assembly.

w/c 25th March by Mrs Allan!

I’m so proud of the hard work that P7b has completed this term.  You have shown old skills in new ways (hello money work!) and developed new skills (volume of compound shapes!).  I am most proud of the mature way that you have approached our Defending Democracy topic.  You have asked excellent questions and really started to think about the world around you and your role in it.


Thank you!


This week, we have used money in Numeracy and Maths to practice word problem skills, calculate percentage discounts and think a little about how to keep money safe in the real world.

We have explored fact and opinion in Literacy, looking at more complex examples and building on our understanding from our debating and persuasive writing.


We voted on our P7 show and tried out the first scene in small groups.  It’s going to be fabulous.

In PE, we invented a new game – wonderful ball skills, passing and tactics.


We completed our Defending Democracy topic by looking at more real-life examples of how we can make a difference if we see discriminatory or racist behaviour.

Have a wonderful break.  I hope those celebrating Easter and Eid al-Fitr have a great time with friends and family and we can buckle in for the last term in April.

w/c 18th March by Eva L and Nicole



On Monday morning we started off our week with some maths (money,budgets,etc). After break time we did some IDL focusing on black lives matter and looked at information about Windrush. After lunch we did some spelling and discussed more on IDL.



In the morning we did science and made windmills which was great fun!

After break we did some French and after that Mrs Fry came in for Health and wealth and we talked about anxiety. After lunch we had a text about Barack Obama. 



In the morning we did some writing and we were writing a persuasive text on AI and Digital Technology. After break we did some maths working more on money and discounts. After lunch the neurodiversity ambassadors came in as it is neurodiversity week! After that we did some neurodiversity tasks.


 In the morning we did some maths on money. After break Eastwood PE was cancelled so we played in the playground and did some boccia .After that we did literacy on reading biographies.



w/c 11th March by Alfie Y and Lewis



In the morning and after break we   went to the Baptist church to learn about how Easter started and did some activities. It was called Easter Code. After lunch we did some comprehension.




On Tuesday we did some science before break and after break some language ambassadors (S6s from Eastwood) came down for some Spanish. After lunch we did some maths. The Rotary Quiz was after school!



On Wednesday we had a debate about AI making our lives better. After break we did some maths. After lunch we researched about Black Lives Matter. We read about statues and looked at Glasgow pictures before sharing our ideas. 



On Thursday we did PE at Eastwood , we took the P6s slot so we could watch the lord provost debate. After break we did spelling and at 10:30 we watch Nicole, David and Ethan doing the debate about AI making our lives better. After lunch miss Warnock came to class to do maths. It was World Pi Day so we did some calculations and then used beads and pipecleaners to show the digits of pi or created skyline pictures to show it. 



w/c 4th March 2024 by Alfie B and Mehr

On Monday morning we did maths we did some time. After break we finished off our stories for the P2s and filmed them and recorded ourselves reading them and made a q r code for our books. This was very fun! After lunch we spilt into groups and gathered information about black lives matter and reported back to the rest of our groups.

On Tuesday we had Mr Wilson and we did science on climate change of what we know and what we want to know and what we  know already and put it all in a poster. After break we did French and we did the alphabet in French for another page in our French books. Then Mrs Allan came back and we did some spelling and active spelling. After Lunch we had to do a timetable maths time worksheet.


On Wednesday we debated on shorter school days and longer.


After break we did maths H8 on time tables and the whole class went to the book swap!

After lunch we did a grand design challenge to make a new comfortable library corner for our class. 


On Thursday morning we made some corner bookmarks and we went on a livestream for world book day. This was fun! We also read our books to the P2s and had so much fun.

After break we went over to Eastwood to do P.E and we got to do netball or football. After Lunch we did some maths and started volume.