All posts by Mrs Allan

w/c 27th November by Ibrahim and Kerr



In the morning we had a great time doing comprehension called the coral reef.


After break we did maths.In maths we did fractions and simplifying them.

People found this very tricky because of the large numbers.


In the afternoon we learned and took notes about sleep.We learned what is a reliable source to research.




In the morning we did science about Isaac Newton 3 laws of motion.We also did an experiment with water in a cup, we poked a hole in the bottom and we let the water burst out of the hole.


After break we did Spanish and made a Spanish passport about ourselves.In the passport we put hair colour and eye colour.


After lunch we did some art using crayons to create pictures of celebrities.

We tried to shade them and it was a lot of fun.  



In the morning we did writing about flashbacks.

We put the flashback at the beginning of the story and created the beginning and middle of the story.It was spectacular. 


After break we did maths with Miss doyle, doing more work on simplifying fractions to help us get better at them.


In the afternoon we IDL about sleep and made either a video, PowerPoint or a poster. It was amazingly fun and we had lots of laughs.



In the morning we did maths about simplifying fractions. We completed a choice of 2 TJ2B maths pages and now we have got very good at simplifying fractions.


After break we did pe at Eastwood High School with the sports leaders. We either did hockey, rugby, tennis ,football, athletics and netball.

In the afternoon  we did some scratch. We made some games: a pong one or a chase was hard but we managed to make them and show some to the class .It was very fun.


w/c 20th November by Alfie and Lewis

On Monday we started with maths which was fun. After break we did spelling and comprehension. After lunch we did some art and drew hands by only looking at our hands to help us. 


On Tuesday we learnt about Nikola Tesla in science with Miss Ralston. After break we learnt about Spanish days and months then we did some mental maths. After lunch we did some art for the road safety week poster competition and learnt about how much more dangerous driving at 30MPH instead of 20MPH. 

On Wednesday we did writing which we were doing changing the ending of popular fairy tale Jack and the beanstalk. After break we did some maths. After lunch we learnt the positives of a good sleep and the negatives of a bad sleep and made notes from the Powerpoint and videos.


On Thursday we did some maths and it was good. After break we went to Eastwood for PE. After lunch we did ICT and went on scratch and we learnt how to make something move, change size and change colour.

w/c 13th November by Ben and Eva

On Monday we started with Maths. It was fun. We also did spelling on a worksheet which was fun. For literacy we did either the secret garden or The Tempest we had to make a prediction for what would happen in chapter 6.




On Tuesday morning we did science we did debating on climate change, science research, Animal testing and vaccination. In Spanish we were naming Spanish sports which were really fun. And we did the apprentice task where we continued our slides about our invention product for our pitch. 




In the morning we did writing and we made up a story about any setting we wanted to get prepared for next week. Then we went to the gym hall for P.E where we did gymnastics which was fun. Then we did maths after lunch. 



 On Thursday morning we did maths which we enjoyed. After break we  did make a noise for Anti-Bullying week where we made a song about bullying which was really really fun! Then we presented our invention projects to the class. Then we asked some questions for each group.

You can listen to some of the music by clicking on these links:

w/c 6th November by John and Rayan

John and Rayan here! Today, we’ll be telling you all about our week.

Today, on Monday: We started off with our daily maths.  We started off with some pretty hard puzzles like painting 11 walls with 3 colours for example. But after a couple of puzzles, we began to get our hands on it! Eventually, we moved on to Decimals. 


After our marvellous playtime, we moved on to Literacy and did our spelling.  In the afternoon, we learned about Dyslexia Awareness! We all got a cool ribbon and learned about it. It was really fun. We talked about what makes us unique and looked at our fingerprints. 



On Tuesday with Miss Ralston we did some learning about famous scientists such as Marie Curie. After that, the teacher made us cook up a magnificent powerpoint presentation, but some people didn’t get to finish it. So, we may do it next week. 


After that we did some sports in Spanish . We learnt a lot, for example: El Tenis. Guess what that is in English.?


After break, and up to lunch: We learnt about Heartstart, and how to save someone’s life. For example: We now know how to put someone in their recovery position! We also got to use some mannequins and perform CPR on those dummies.  And learned what to do when somebody is choking.



In the morning we started up with our daily writing. We had to write about our own character or describe the character on the board. It was pretty fun. 


After break we did some maths. In the afternoon, the class were doing group work. We had to invent an idea for our company. One idea basically got the whole class’s attention! We also voted to see which one of our ideas of the company was the best.


On Thursday we started reading 2  big cat books. They were all really interesting. We had to choose between The Tempest or The Secret Garden. After break we did some maths and we did more Algebra.


After lunchtime we did some more group work on inventions. 



w/c 30th October by Ben and Omar



On Monday we did algebra. It was really fun. Then we watched a Tim Burton video about a doll. Then after lunch we made tim burton portraits which were really fun.




On Tuesday we did science worksheets. It was interesting. Then we did a SA with Miss Ralston comparing Halloween to Day of the dead. After lunch we prepared our homework and our homework for the strike day. 

Then we did algebra with Mrs Allan. It was challenging. 




                                           We were off.




In the morning we did writing. The writing was imaginative. It was focused on a Werewolf, Witch or Vampire. It was really fun. After break we went to Eastwood and we had six groups and each one had a different sports subject. After lunch we did IDL were we laid out rich tea biscuits and made a stall each groups stall looked really good and a different class came and bought the biscuits for a token and whoever had the most tokens at the end won.                                                                                                          



On Friday morning we were going over speech marks and where to put them, the teacher gave us a paragraph to punctuate. It was challenging and the text was about George and the marvellous

w/c 23rd October by Hafsa and Ruby



On Tuesday in science we made clouds  with a beaker, black paper, hot water, ice and a match. We also learnt about the water cycle. In Spanish we made a venn diagram about the day of the dead. In maths we did time and converting 24hr time to 12 hr time.




On Wednesday we were writing a character description using show not tell. Show not tell is when you tell a character’s emotion without saying the emotion. In the afternoon we were doing our apprentice topic and were designing a lounge for Alamo hotel. 




On Thursday in maths we were estimating the measurements of objects in the classroom using decimals for millimetres and centimetres . In the afternoon we went to Eastwood for PE and did touch rugby and athletics. In the afternoon we did our apprentice topic.

w/c 9th October by Lily-Anne and Sophia

On Monday, first we did problem solving with cards. We had one to nine cards and we tried to make three groups of 15 (3 cards per group) and it got harder each time, this was really fun and creative!

We also did Apprentice, which we have been working on for a while now, we designed a billboard and planned out an advert for a hoverboard, called the ‘No Bovver’ hoverboard. 


On Tuesday, We had Miss Ralston for the day. In the morning we did a  science experiment. We had cups with ice inside them. One cup had crushed ice in it, and the other cup had 2-3 full ice cubes inside.


We had to see which one would melt faster. After break time, we did some work on a topic called Day Of The Dead, which is a celebration created in Mexico and lasts for 3 days. We had a really fun Day!  


On Wednesday, We did writing, we focused on writing about a setting of our choice. There was some ideas like,sci-fi,alien,and many more! In our writing we have been trying to include; Onomatopoeia, personification, adjectives and similes/metaphors. We also did our apprentice topic. We filmed and created our adverts for the ‘No Bovver’ hoverboard from Monday, we used an app called IMovie to edit the advert that we made on the ipads, this was a challenge, but the end result was amazing! 

On Thursday, we did PE at eastwood! This was a really fun PE session and everyone enjoyed it! It was raining for a bit but this time everyone was prepared! We also did maths, using decimals to convert and round numbers. Also, as a delayed part of Maths Week Scotland, we had a visitor, Mr Fleeson to show us how he uses maths in his job! We learnt that there is 100,000 holes+ that grow one to four hairs! we got to take a look at this 40x and 100x closer, through a microscope! 

w/c 3rd October by Callum and Lucas


On Monday  we did problem solving. It was word problems, some were easy and some were hard.


Then for maths week Scotland we were calculating speed and distance using formulas.



On Tuesday we did science we were testing if different things could dissolve in water and we made predictions first         

On Tuesday for maths week Scotland  we went outside and were measuring speed some people were running some people were walking.  We threw tennis balls and counted hula hoops and jumps per second. We calculated it by dividing the distance by the time.

We also did some Spanish we were learning about the Spanish celebration day of the dead. We decorated skulls.


On Wednesday we were in groups designing chocolate wrappers , slogans, logos  and colours for blazin raisins .

For writing we made noun phrases for things in pictures. Here are some examples: The enormous spiky trees waved at the rocks like gentleman and the crystal clear water splished and splashed with the current.

the Science Ambassadors came from Eastwood and did a lesson about Space with us.


On Thursday we were making marble runs with kapla. It was hard because  some groups were trying to turn there marbles 180 degrees 

We went to Eastwood for pe. some S6’s helped. Our team was doing football… it was very wet!


We also finished some of our blazin raisins stuff and we talked about our designs to the class.

w/c 18th September by Ismail and Nicole



In the morning in maths we did problem solving of a pizza party. It was good fun. After break we finished the book cloudbusting then we rewrote the endings like if Davey hadn’t saved Sam from the upcoming car. In the afternoon, we finished our RME work on Humanism. We wrote tweets about what we learned. We did a challenge to write our learning in 250 characters.




With Miss Ralston we disagreed with each other about organic and intensive farming. Then we did research and made a fact file about organic food. In Spanish we made a self portrait and then labelled our eyes and our hair colour and freckles and glasses. We did decimals in Maths and then we did spelling and dictionary definitions. 




In the morning we did writing with Mrs Allan and Mrs Nasar . It was the first week starting prose for a megacity setting. It could be a real city or imagined and we were focussing on senses and vocabulary . In PE we did badminton and we were doing rallies . There would be eight people on the court.  We did a challenge who could keep the shuttlecock up for the longest. 



In literacy we marked our writing and we did spelling and comprehension. The poem was about bullies. in IDL we learned about our topic.  We split into groups that will be businesses and we created our logo and group name that we will use for the next six weeks. Then we finished our science leaflets.

Team Tech

Sharp Industries






w/c 11th September by Ben, Eva L and Varda


On Monday we did some problem solving on trial and error. We had a sheet that had 24 squares on a grid and eighteen small cubes, and what we had to do was all the cubes on the grid but we could only place them if they were even, down and across. We had lots of fun!

We did sequencing and addition of decimals.

In literacy we read cloudbusting and discussed what we read and then answered questions in our jotter.

After that we did Humanism and we discussed what makes us a happy human thought of five things that makes us happy.



In the morning we had Miss Ralston. we did science learning about organic farming. We had lots of fun doing some drama on organic farming.

We also did Spanish with Miss Ralston. In Spanish we learned how to describe our appearance as in the colour of our eyes and hair, and we also learned how to describe our hairstyle as well. 

After that we did some maths focusing on adding and subtracting decimals. 

We also did spelling, our spelling sound was ssion. 



In the morning we did writing and we were learning about how to change the layout and font of our writing to make it more interesting. Some of us did it on chromebooks and some of us did it in their jotters. We had lots of fun!

After that we did P.E. in the gym hall, we did a warm up and then got started on badminton. We split up into groups and half of the class did rallys and the other half practised overhead shots. Then we switched!

In numeracy, we were working on subtracting and multiplying decimals, and then we did a decimal puzzle.


In maths we decided group names and we also did some decimal work. The group name were Mathematical Cats, Dory Decimals and Mathematical Minions.

And in literacy we did Nelson Booklets on poetry. It was fun.

After that we did some art, and in art we were focusing on “the dot”. What we did was we had a piece of paper and we drew one dot then we swapped them round and then we expanded the dot and made a picture with that dot. After that, we went outside, we had hula hoops and cones and we customised our dots with chalk. It was really fun.


In the morning we did mental maths and then we did spelling booklets. Then we finished our writing and did self and peer assessment (and read teacher comments).