w/c 23rd May by Gabby and Sophia




On Monday, we started the day off with spelling,

Which was focusing on homophones. After break, we did health and well being. Then, after lunch we practised a couple different scenes of our P7 show. For the people that weren’t practising, they focused on making the props, this was really fun.




On Tuesday morning we started with bike ability which was really fun. After break we had Mr Wilson and we focused on our French booklets. Then after lunch we did some show prop and costume making, while the people from Skye watched their movie at the house afternoon.




On Wednesday, we started off the day with writing. We 

were writing about BellaHoustoun tubing and skiing, or

Lockerbie Manor. After break we did health and wellbeing. Then after lunch we did a full runthrough of our primary 7 show.




On Thursday, we started off the day with maths and then our show rehearsal. In the afternoon, we had a visitor from Eastwood and then finished with Health and Wellbeing

w/c 29th April by Lewis and Rayan



In the morning , all of the primary 7s came to the science visit and we had 4 groups doing science. A couple of groups were learning about how batteries work and conducting experiments on them. It was so much fun! After break we did some rehearsal  of the show Shakespeare rocks!. 




On Tuesday, we had Science! They were extremely fun. Mr Wilson came to help us make posters for the environment. He’s helping us train to be Eco Activists! After all of that, we did the SNSA test. We were doing a bit of literacy. After lunch, we started practising for the school show! Did you know that there was a kind of play called the Scottish play, where they didn’t mention the name, “Macbeth”?



This morning was a different day. We did the remaining SNSA test in Writing and Numeracy. In Numeracy, they tested all our skills we learnt in this whole year! We rocked all the tests!  Then afterwards, we did some nice PE. We did P7b ball. What is that ? P7b ball is where you try to break the cones. If you succeed, you get a point! Then after Lunch we practised our school show like normal! 




This nice morning we went to Eastwood Highschool again to do science! This time, the groups who were learning about genes and inheritance were learning about batteries, and the other doing genes. It was so fun. After break we did comprehension and then after lunch we did show practice.





And finally…. colour run Friday!