w/c 25th March by Mrs Allan!

I’m so proud of the hard work that P7b has completed this term.  You have shown old skills in new ways (hello money work!) and developed new skills (volume of compound shapes!).  I am most proud of the mature way that you have approached our Defending Democracy topic.  You have asked excellent questions and really started to think about the world around you and your role in it.


Thank you!


This week, we have used money in Numeracy and Maths to practice word problem skills, calculate percentage discounts and think a little about how to keep money safe in the real world.

We have explored fact and opinion in Literacy, looking at more complex examples and building on our understanding from our debating and persuasive writing.


We voted on our P7 show and tried out the first scene in small groups.  It’s going to be fabulous.

In PE, we invented a new game – wonderful ball skills, passing and tactics.


We completed our Defending Democracy topic by looking at more real-life examples of how we can make a difference if we see discriminatory or racist behaviour.

Have a wonderful break.  I hope those celebrating Easter and Eid al-Fitr have a great time with friends and family and we can buckle in for the last term in April.