w/c 26th February by Kate and Omar

On Monday morning we did mental maths on twenty four hour time and converting it into 12 hour time. After break we did literacy comprehension about Martin king Jr. Then after lunch we did more work on Black Lives Matter. We listened to the story of Rosa Parks and then Martin Luther king Jr’s “I have a dream” speech. 


On Tuesday morning we had Mr Wilson so we got into groups of two and drew something that would help one of the five senses. After break we learnt  most of the body parts in French and we wrote it down in our French booklet. Not long after break we finished of our spelling and then after that we did maths. We looked at a real train station timetable and we answered questions on it.     


On Wednesday morning we had writing and we were finishing off our books that we made to read to the P2 children next week for World Book Day. 

Then after break we did maths on figuring out how long the length was between times and played a game as a class tournament. After  lunch we did IDL and art, in art we were drawing old radios from the 1950-1960.  

On Thursday we finished our radio art after we did that we did top trumps for our books. After break we had PE at Eastwood and some people did football and others did netball. After lunch we did maths and we were planning a trip to the cinema and we had to work out the time and price to a budget.