w/c 25th March by Mrs Allan!

I’m so proud of the hard work that P7b has completed this term.  You have shown old skills in new ways (hello money work!) and developed new skills (volume of compound shapes!).  I am most proud of the mature way that you have approached our Defending Democracy topic.  You have asked excellent questions and really started to think about the world around you and your role in it.


Thank you!


This week, we have used money in Numeracy and Maths to practice word problem skills, calculate percentage discounts and think a little about how to keep money safe in the real world.

We have explored fact and opinion in Literacy, looking at more complex examples and building on our understanding from our debating and persuasive writing.


We voted on our P7 show and tried out the first scene in small groups.  It’s going to be fabulous.

In PE, we invented a new game – wonderful ball skills, passing and tactics.


We completed our Defending Democracy topic by looking at more real-life examples of how we can make a difference if we see discriminatory or racist behaviour.

Have a wonderful break.  I hope those celebrating Easter and Eid al-Fitr have a great time with friends and family and we can buckle in for the last term in April.

w/c 18th March by Eva L and Nicole



On Monday morning we started off our week with some maths (money,budgets,etc). After break time we did some IDL focusing on black lives matter and looked at information about Windrush. After lunch we did some spelling and discussed more on IDL.



In the morning we did science and made windmills which was great fun!

After break we did some French and after that Mrs Fry came in for Health and wealth and we talked about anxiety. After lunch we had a text about Barack Obama. 



In the morning we did some writing and we were writing a persuasive text on AI and Digital Technology. After break we did some maths working more on money and discounts. After lunch the neurodiversity ambassadors came in as it is neurodiversity week! After that we did some neurodiversity tasks.


 In the morning we did some maths on money. After break Eastwood PE was cancelled so we played in the playground and did some boccia .After that we did literacy on reading biographies.



w/c 11th March by Alfie Y and Lewis



In the morning and after break we   went to the Baptist church to learn about how Easter started and did some activities. It was called Easter Code. After lunch we did some comprehension.




On Tuesday we did some science before break and after break some language ambassadors (S6s from Eastwood) came down for some Spanish. After lunch we did some maths. The Rotary Quiz was after school!



On Wednesday we had a debate about AI making our lives better. After break we did some maths. After lunch we researched about Black Lives Matter. We read about statues and looked at Glasgow pictures before sharing our ideas. 



On Thursday we did PE at Eastwood , we took the P6s slot so we could watch the lord provost debate. After break we did spelling and at 10:30 we watch Nicole, David and Ethan doing the debate about AI making our lives better. After lunch miss Warnock came to class to do maths. It was World Pi Day so we did some calculations and then used beads and pipecleaners to show the digits of pi or created skyline pictures to show it. 



w/c 4th March 2024 by Alfie B and Mehr

On Monday morning we did maths we did some time. After break we finished off our stories for the P2s and filmed them and recorded ourselves reading them and made a q r code for our books. This was very fun! After lunch we spilt into groups and gathered information about black lives matter and reported back to the rest of our groups.

On Tuesday we had Mr Wilson and we did science on climate change of what we know and what we want to know and what we  know already and put it all in a poster. After break we did French and we did the alphabet in French for another page in our French books. Then Mrs Allan came back and we did some spelling and active spelling. After Lunch we had to do a timetable maths time worksheet.


On Wednesday we debated on shorter school days and longer.


After break we did maths H8 on time tables and the whole class went to the book swap!

After lunch we did a grand design challenge to make a new comfortable library corner for our class. 


On Thursday morning we made some corner bookmarks and we went on a livestream for world book day. This was fun! We also read our books to the P2s and had so much fun.

After break we went over to Eastwood to do P.E and we got to do netball or football. After Lunch we did some maths and started volume.

w/c 26th February by Kate and Omar

On Monday morning we did mental maths on twenty four hour time and converting it into 12 hour time. After break we did literacy comprehension about Martin king Jr. Then after lunch we did more work on Black Lives Matter. We listened to the story of Rosa Parks and then Martin Luther king Jr’s “I have a dream” speech. 


On Tuesday morning we had Mr Wilson so we got into groups of two and drew something that would help one of the five senses. After break we learnt  most of the body parts in French and we wrote it down in our French booklet. Not long after break we finished of our spelling and then after that we did maths. We looked at a real train station timetable and we answered questions on it.     


On Wednesday morning we had writing and we were finishing off our books that we made to read to the P2 children next week for World Book Day. 

Then after break we did maths on figuring out how long the length was between times and played a game as a class tournament. After  lunch we did IDL and art, in art we were drawing old radios from the 1950-1960.  

On Thursday we finished our radio art after we did that we did top trumps for our books. After break we had PE at Eastwood and some people did football and others did netball. After lunch we did maths and we were planning a trip to the cinema and we had to work out the time and price to a budget.