w/c 20th February by Ben and Micole


On Monday Morning we talked to each other about our weekends. It was interesting hearing about other people’s weekends. After that we did negative and positive numbers in maths. In the afternoon we had Mrs Doyle come in for a quiz. It was very fun. 




On Tuesday morning we did science and in science we tried different flavours of a drink, one being sweet , one being sour and one being bitter and which parts of the tongue had these taste buds.


After break we created a book all about French then we did maths. In the afternoon Mrs Allan asked did anyone have any questions for Lockerbie and it turned into a forty minute chat! After that we finished the quiz.



On Wednesday we did writing with Mrs Naser and we did a book for the primary twos. It was interesting and fun . Afterwards we did gymnastics with Mrs Slorach  for P.E . In the afternoon we did negative numbers word problems for maths.


In the morning we got to choose what non fiction book we wanted to read and there were two groups for the books and there were Warriors of the World and the Battle of Passchendaele. We created questions for others in the book. 

Then we did some maths on chance and probability. After that we started our new topic BLACK LIVES MATTER by looking at old photos and talking about the discrimination and how it made us feel.


In the morning we handed out all our jotters to go home. Then we filled out a form on how p7 is going. After break we watched a safer internet live lesson with Miss Mc Neil.