w/c 15th January by Gabby and Ruby



On Monday morning we did some maths. In maths we were doing percentages, fractions and decimals. We then made a game of dominos by writing percentages, fractions and decimals.


After break we did comprehension on the beast of Bodmin Moor which was a newspaper article.

After lunch Mrs Doyle came in and did some new years resolutions with us.




On Tuesday Mr Wilson was in for the morning and we did science on sensory organs. Sensory organs are our senses. After break we did some French and we got into groups and were planning what we were going to learn to teach others in our school.


After French we discussed our homework and did some spelling work. In the afternoon we did some more  maths on percentages, decimals and fractions. 




On Wednesday morning we did writing on the features of a newspaper article and practised our 5w’s.

After break we did P.E in the gym hall and we did some fitness stations, Hula hooping, wall sits, tricep dips etc.  After lunch we did some more maths on percentages, decimals and fractions.


On Thursday morning we did some health and well being making water posters about the importance of hydration on canva. 


After break we did more maths on percentages, decimals and fractions. After lunch we did literacy and we read our big cat books and did some questions on them.