w/c 4th December by Mehr and Sophia


On Monday, first thing we did maths, we had to be able to name 3 different types of triangles, this was good to learn about. After break we did Comprehension on Theseus and the Minotaur. After lunch time we tried a new art piece, in the art piece we made it look 3d using warm and cold colours, this was really fun!

On Tuesday, in the morning we had Miss Ralston for science and we learnt about different forces and did a bingo game.

After break ,we did Spanish with Miss Ralston, we made Christmas posters about how Spanish countries celebrate Navidad, which is Christmas! Afterwards we did some spelling along with Active spelling. After lunchtime, we did numeracy & maths, continuing types of triangles, this was a fun day!

On Wednesday, we started the day off by doing writing, continuing from a short film that we watched. We had to continue the end of the short film, predicting what we think will happen! At the end we watched the unexpected ending from the video. After break, we did maths. We completed our corrections and a worksheet, continuing our topic on triangles. After lunch, we finished completing our zen triangle art. We also got to create origami 3d stars or a paper chain. After this we decorated our classroom for Christmas!


On Thursday, in the morning we did maths. We were working on more complicated versions of triangles. After breaktime, we went over to Eastwood for our last week of PE there till after the Christmas break! This was fun and it was not too rainy! After lunchtime, we did scratch, we have been doing scratch for a couple of weeks now and created the code for our own games.