w/c 20th November by Alfie and Lewis

On Monday we started with maths which was fun. After break we did spelling and comprehension. After lunch we did some art and drew hands by only looking at our hands to help us. 


On Tuesday we learnt about Nikola Tesla in science with Miss Ralston. After break we learnt about Spanish days and months then we did some mental maths. After lunch we did some art for the road safety week poster competition and learnt about how much more dangerous driving at 30MPH instead of 20MPH. 

On Wednesday we did writing which we were doing changing the ending of popular fairy tale Jack and the beanstalk. After break we did some maths. After lunch we learnt the positives of a good sleep and the negatives of a bad sleep and made notes from the Powerpoint and videos.


On Thursday we did some maths and it was good. After break we went to Eastwood for PE. After lunch we did ICT and went on scratch and we learnt how to make something move, change size and change colour.