w/c 13th November by Ben and Eva

On Monday we started with Maths. It was fun. We also did spelling on a worksheet which was fun. For literacy we did either the secret garden or The Tempest we had to make a prediction for what would happen in chapter 6.




On Tuesday morning we did science we did debating on climate change, science research, Animal testing and vaccination. In Spanish we were naming Spanish sports which were really fun. And we did the apprentice task where we continued our slides about our invention product for our pitch. 




In the morning we did writing and we made up a story about any setting we wanted to get prepared for next week. Then we went to the gym hall for P.E where we did gymnastics which was fun. Then we did maths after lunch. 



 On Thursday morning we did maths which we enjoyed. After break we  did make a noise for Anti-Bullying week where we made a song about bullying which was really really fun! Then we presented our invention projects to the class. Then we asked some questions for each group.

You can listen to some of the music by clicking on these links:

