w/c 30th October by Ben and Omar



On Monday we did algebra. It was really fun. Then we watched a Tim Burton video about a doll. Then after lunch we made tim burton portraits which were really fun.




On Tuesday we did science worksheets. It was interesting. Then we did a SA with Miss Ralston comparing Halloween to Day of the dead. After lunch we prepared our homework and our homework for the strike day. 

Then we did algebra with Mrs Allan. It was challenging. 




                                           We were off.




In the morning we did writing. The writing was imaginative. It was focused on a Werewolf, Witch or Vampire. It was really fun. After break we went to Eastwood and we had six groups and each one had a different sports subject. After lunch we did IDL were we laid out rich tea biscuits and made a stall each groups stall looked really good and a different class came and bought the biscuits for a token and whoever had the most tokens at the end won.                                                                                                          



On Friday morning we were going over speech marks and where to put them, the teacher gave us a paragraph to punctuate. It was challenging and the text was about George and the marvellous