w/c 20th November by Alfie and Lewis

On Monday we started with maths which was fun. After break we did spelling and comprehension. After lunch we did some art and drew hands by only looking at our hands to help us. 


On Tuesday we learnt about Nikola Tesla in science with Miss Ralston. After break we learnt about Spanish days and months then we did some mental maths. After lunch we did some art for the road safety week poster competition and learnt about how much more dangerous driving at 30MPH instead of 20MPH. 

On Wednesday we did writing which we were doing changing the ending of popular fairy tale Jack and the beanstalk. After break we did some maths. After lunch we learnt the positives of a good sleep and the negatives of a bad sleep and made notes from the Powerpoint and videos.


On Thursday we did some maths and it was good. After break we went to Eastwood for PE. After lunch we did ICT and went on scratch and we learnt how to make something move, change size and change colour.

w/c 13th November by Ben and Eva

On Monday we started with Maths. It was fun. We also did spelling on a worksheet which was fun. For literacy we did either the secret garden or The Tempest we had to make a prediction for what would happen in chapter 6.




On Tuesday morning we did science we did debating on climate change, science research, Animal testing and vaccination. In Spanish we were naming Spanish sports which were really fun. And we did the apprentice task where we continued our slides about our invention product for our pitch. 




In the morning we did writing and we made up a story about any setting we wanted to get prepared for next week. Then we went to the gym hall for P.E where we did gymnastics which was fun. Then we did maths after lunch. 



 On Thursday morning we did maths which we enjoyed. After break we  did make a noise for Anti-Bullying week where we made a song about bullying which was really really fun! Then we presented our invention projects to the class. Then we asked some questions for each group.

You can listen to some of the music by clicking on these links:



w/c 6th November by John and Rayan

John and Rayan here! Today, we’ll be telling you all about our week.

Today, on Monday: We started off with our daily maths.  We started off with some pretty hard puzzles like painting 11 walls with 3 colours for example. But after a couple of puzzles, we began to get our hands on it! Eventually, we moved on to Decimals. 


After our marvellous playtime, we moved on to Literacy and did our spelling.  In the afternoon, we learned about Dyslexia Awareness! We all got a cool ribbon and learned about it. It was really fun. We talked about what makes us unique and looked at our fingerprints. 



On Tuesday with Miss Ralston we did some learning about famous scientists such as Marie Curie. After that, the teacher made us cook up a magnificent powerpoint presentation, but some people didn’t get to finish it. So, we may do it next week. 


After that we did some sports in Spanish . We learnt a lot, for example: El Tenis. Guess what that is in English.?


After break, and up to lunch: We learnt about Heartstart, and how to save someone’s life. For example: We now know how to put someone in their recovery position! We also got to use some mannequins and perform CPR on those dummies.  And learned what to do when somebody is choking.



In the morning we started up with our daily writing. We had to write about our own character or describe the character on the board. It was pretty fun. 


After break we did some maths. In the afternoon, the class were doing group work. We had to invent an idea for our company. One idea basically got the whole class’s attention! We also voted to see which one of our ideas of the company was the best.


On Thursday we started reading 2  big cat books. They were all really interesting. We had to choose between The Tempest or The Secret Garden. After break we did some maths and we did more Algebra.


After lunchtime we did some more group work on inventions. 



w/c 30th October by Ben and Omar



On Monday we did algebra. It was really fun. Then we watched a Tim Burton video about a doll. Then after lunch we made tim burton portraits which were really fun.




On Tuesday we did science worksheets. It was interesting. Then we did a SA with Miss Ralston comparing Halloween to Day of the dead. After lunch we prepared our homework and our homework for the strike day. 

Then we did algebra with Mrs Allan. It was challenging. 




                                           We were off.




In the morning we did writing. The writing was imaginative. It was focused on a Werewolf, Witch or Vampire. It was really fun. After break we went to Eastwood and we had six groups and each one had a different sports subject. After lunch we did IDL were we laid out rich tea biscuits and made a stall each groups stall looked really good and a different class came and bought the biscuits for a token and whoever had the most tokens at the end won.                                                                                                          



On Friday morning we were going over speech marks and where to put them, the teacher gave us a paragraph to punctuate. It was challenging and the text was about George and the marvellous