w/c 9th October by Lily-Anne and Sophia

On Monday, first we did problem solving with cards. We had one to nine cards and we tried to make three groups of 15 (3 cards per group) and it got harder each time, this was really fun and creative!

We also did Apprentice, which we have been working on for a while now, we designed a billboard and planned out an advert for a hoverboard, called the ‘No Bovver’ hoverboard. 


On Tuesday, We had Miss Ralston for the day. In the morning we did a  science experiment. We had cups with ice inside them. One cup had crushed ice in it, and the other cup had 2-3 full ice cubes inside.


We had to see which one would melt faster. After break time, we did some work on a topic called Day Of The Dead, which is a celebration created in Mexico and lasts for 3 days. We had a really fun Day!  


On Wednesday, We did writing, we focused on writing about a setting of our choice. There was some ideas like,sci-fi,alien,and many more! In our writing we have been trying to include; Onomatopoeia, personification, adjectives and similes/metaphors. We also did our apprentice topic. We filmed and created our adverts for the ‘No Bovver’ hoverboard from Monday, we used an app called IMovie to edit the advert that we made on the ipads, this was a challenge, but the end result was amazing! 

On Thursday, we did PE at eastwood! This was a really fun PE session and everyone enjoyed it! It was raining for a bit but this time everyone was prepared! We also did maths, using decimals to convert and round numbers. Also, as a delayed part of Maths Week Scotland, we had a visitor, Mr Fleeson to show us how he uses maths in his job! We learnt that there is 100,000 holes+ that grow one to four hairs! we got to take a look at this 40x and 100x closer, through a microscope!