w/c 11th September by Ben, Eva L and Varda


On Monday we did some problem solving on trial and error. We had a sheet that had 24 squares on a grid and eighteen small cubes, and what we had to do was all the cubes on the grid but we could only place them if they were even, down and across. We had lots of fun!

We did sequencing and addition of decimals.

In literacy we read cloudbusting and discussed what we read and then answered questions in our jotter.

After that we did Humanism and we discussed what makes us a happy human thought of five things that makes us happy.



In the morning we had Miss Ralston. we did science learning about organic farming. We had lots of fun doing some drama on organic farming.

We also did Spanish with Miss Ralston. In Spanish we learned how to describe our appearance as in the colour of our eyes and hair, and we also learned how to describe our hairstyle as well. 

After that we did some maths focusing on adding and subtracting decimals. 

We also did spelling, our spelling sound was ssion. 



In the morning we did writing and we were learning about how to change the layout and font of our writing to make it more interesting. Some of us did it on chromebooks and some of us did it in their jotters. We had lots of fun!

After that we did P.E. in the gym hall, we did a warm up and then got started on badminton. We split up into groups and half of the class did rallys and the other half practised overhead shots. Then we switched!

In numeracy, we were working on subtracting and multiplying decimals, and then we did a decimal puzzle.


In maths we decided group names and we also did some decimal work. The group name were Mathematical Cats, Dory Decimals and Mathematical Minions.

And in literacy we did Nelson Booklets on poetry. It was fun.

After that we did some art, and in art we were focusing on “the dot”. What we did was we had a piece of paper and we drew one dot then we swapped them round and then we expanded the dot and made a picture with that dot. After that, we went outside, we had hula hoops and cones and we customised our dots with chalk. It was really fun.


In the morning we did mental maths and then we did spelling booklets. Then we finished our writing and did self and peer assessment (and read teacher comments).